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How to Manage Lead Data using your CRM


Let’s be honest: managing lead data can be challenging. You’re always playing catch-up with so much to do and so little time. But don’t worry! We’ve got some tips to help make your life easier (and your leads happier).

Lead Data

Lead data is the most important part of your CRM. It’s what you use to track your company’s progress, so it pays to know how to manage lead data effectively.

Lead data is any information about someone that has expressed interest in your product or service. For example, if someone visited your website and filled out a form to get updates on your latest products or services, they would be considered a lead. With the right tools in place, you can easily track these leads over time and keep them organized so they are always accessible when needed.

Here are five steps for managing lead data:

Existing Data

Importing existing data into your CRM allows you to build a strong foundation for your lead database. It’s essential to know the different methods of importing, how they work, and how you can use them to your advantage.

Lead Scoring

Lead scoring is assigning a numerical value to each lead based on your characteristics. This is done to determine the most qualified or interested prospects so that you can send them relevant emails and messages based on their interest in your product or service.

Lead scoring can be used by sales, marketing, and even customer success teams. If you’re part of one of these departments, it’s important to understand how lead scoring works so that you know what leads are being sent and which ones you can actively pursue, knowing that they will convert. 

Nurturing Leads

Now that you’ve mastered the art of event-based lead nurturing, it’s time to take your marketing strategy one step further.

This section will discuss how to create a lead nurturing campaign using a sample CRM. The process is similar across platforms, but the specific features will vary depending on the software you use.

The first thing you want to do is create a new campaign and assign it as an “automated campaign,” which means that each time someone enters information into their profile or contact form (for example, email address), they will automatically be added as a prospect in this particular lead stage. The key here is consistency and ensuring all leads are entered into one centralized database so that when it comes time for follow-up emails and phone calls, no one gets left behind!

There are steps you can take to manage your lead data.

Control your Lead Data. As the foundation of your marketing, sales, business, and life, it’s essential to know how to manage lead data.


We hope this blog post has helped you to understand the importance of managing your lead data and how to do it. We know that managing leads can feel like a monumental task, but if you take it step by step, start with a few things at a time, and keep up with them regularly, then you’ll have all the tools in hand to succeed!

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