
#147: Beauty Meets Data: Attribution Strategies for MedSpas in 2025


In this episode, Cameron discusses the importance of treating a medical spa practice like a business, focusing on marketing, attribution, and the systems necessary for success. He emphasizes the need for practice owners to track where their leads come from, the significance of online booking systems, and the role of social media and email marketing in patient engagement. He also highlights the importance of investing in technology and analytics to measure success and make informed decisions.


This is medical millionaire the podcast, helping your Med Spa increase in status, visibility and profitability. Join your host as he dispels myths, shares trends and gives you actionable steps today that will take your medical practice to the next level. Here’s your host, expert marketer and founder of growth 99 Cameron Hemphill,
hey everybody. Cameron Hemphill, here your host for medical millionaire. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune into the podcast. Our goal is to give you incredible value and insight for practice owners or providers, or anybody that wants to become a provider or a practice owner and expand your network, your net worth into the beautiful world of esthetics. This is an incredible industry, and what I see all the time is practice owners not investing enough and understanding how to run your practice like a business. So in this podcast, guys kicking off 2025
we talk about mindset, we talk about marketing. We talk about productivity, Process automation, tech stack, EHRs, CRM systems, how to run effective ads on on landing pages, Instagram, Facebook, all the social media avenues, Google reviews, the entire component when it comes to running your practice like a business. That’s what all of these episodes are about. So thank you so much for taking the time to tune in. And what I want to talk about today is attribution. And some of you may know or not know what that means. Attribution is a very important metric and component to track when it comes to understanding where your leads and your patients are coming from, it is the direct correlation of your organic traffic and your paid traffic, your Word of Mouth traffic, and how to track attribution and how to understand it right? Because you may be in a situation where somebody heard about you through word of mouth, then they go to the internet, they search your company, and let’s say you’re running ads to your specific brand, which is a great strategy you should and they click on that ad, if they click on that ad, when that comes in through the funnel, that is going to look like it came from a pay per click campaign, right? So it’s extremely challenging to understand true metric attribution. And what I want to get into, guys is two specific components. I want to talk about touch points and how you can do a better job of tracking attribution. So then you can sit down with your staff, your executive team, your investors, yourself, if you’re a single provider, or if you’re going to get in the business, have a really good understanding of tracking this stuff, because it’s extremely challenging, especially as a med spa owner, the powerful social media, organic following you have, the ads that you run on social, the word of mouth, the website, like you are doing all of these things for marketing, and it’s all extremely important, this is a marketing business. The most successful practice owners are truly the best marketers, but the ones that have systems and processes in place to track the marketing efforts are the ones that succeed, because then you can analyze the data and you could say, Okay, this campaign worked. This one did not work. Let’s kill the spend on that campaign and pull it over to this campaign. This landing page worked. This one did not work. This organic social post worked. This one did not get as much as engagement, and then you can kind of have an understanding of exactly like where to deploy your marketing dollars. Okay, this keyword search query is generating lots of results. Maybe it’s around Med Spa near me, Botox near me, weight loss near me, some of these near me campaigns that are super, super important to track and to put marketing spend on, right? So as you guys continue to evolve in your practice, you’re going to really want to dive into key touch points for attribution. So let’s talk about that for a second. Right? You have, you have your website. Your website is a great touch point, a very, very strong web presence, and website.
Is absolutely critical for a practice owner. Absolutely critical. If you look at your brick and mortar practice and you take the time to build it out, you have beautiful lighting in there, beautiful setting in there, great checkout facility, great rooms, great inventory. Like it’s comfortable in there. You need to match your website with exactly how your brick and mortar flow operates. This is your digital practice. It’s your digital operation. And more people are going to see your digital practice versus your physical location. Okay? So what you’re going to want to do, guys, you’re going to want to track how visitors arrive on your website, organic searches, paid searches, social media. You’re going to monitor key pages, such as service pages, booking forms, treatment pages, condition pages, maybe they want to learn about the brand. You want to track and monitor those pages. How long do they live on these pages? Where do they click on these pages? Google Analytics will give you this data. And I know a lot of people, especially in this industry, since you guys are very focused on like, fine lines and wrinkles, you will look at the esthetic of the site. You’ll look at the esthetic of the social media posts, and then you’ll make decisions based upon the esthetic. I strongly encourage you, as you go into 2025
start looking at the data. Put emotion aside for a minute of the esthetic. And I don’t want to downplay it. Esthetics important. Totally get it however, I want you guys to start focusing on the data for touch points of attribution, okay, lead forms. It’s important to have lead forms on every single page of your website, every single one landing pages, website links on your Instagram that go to like Link tree, for example, have lead forms, and you could just put it at like the footer area at the bottom of each single page. So if somebody’s on that page, they can quickly just fill in a form. Right? You have to tailor your touch points and your entry points to every single personality. Not everybody wants to book online. I’m a big fan of online booking. If you guys are tuned into my podcast, historically, not everybody wants to make a phone call, not everybody wants to text. Some people want to fill out a lead form, like you have to have those entry points and make it super simple, okay, so measure the form submissions for consultations, promotions, newsletter signups, social media subscribes. Attribute the source of the lead. So if that source was brought from a Google ad campaign, Instagram ad campaign, or Facebook ad campaign, you have to have a source, and this is going to tie into having systems. Okay, so what I’m talking about right now, guys is really just the key touch points, and then we’re going to get it how you can actually track this, okay, another touch point is phone calls. If you’re a provider or practice owner, you want the phone ringing like you want the phone ringing, and you definitely want a very sophisticated person answering that phone call quickly and getting them into a consultation, and then obviously getting them into a treatment plan and a journey you want them to stay with you. So you’re going to want to track your phone call volume and source. Like, use tracking software. There is great software out there that will track the phone calls that come in, and these phone calls, like, if you have a landing page out there, or your website, or, like, some social media content, and someone calls that phone number, and you have call tracking software, you can identify that phone number, where it came from, where they saw it. Like this software is available, I would highly recommend rolling it out and using it. And there’s other software like I would expand on that too. This kind of goes off topic a little bit, but if you’re going to invest in a software like that, which is highly critical to tracking attribution. I would also make sure you can monitor the phone calls, have the ability to actually track the phone calls and be able to record them. This is a great way to connect with your front office staff, or however you guys are rolling out the phone call coming in, and who’s handling that potential consultation, because you could be spending a fortune on marketing, and if everybody that you have is answering these phone calls, and they’re not trained correctly, and they’re not effective, and they don’t know how to sell, and they don’t know how to book a console, and they have, like, no way of explaining to the potential patient why you are the best, and they should come to you. That’s also a problem. Okay, so record the conversion rates from calls to appointments is also going to be very, very important as many calls. And this kind of goes back to a metric. In fact, I would roll this out as a benchmark. I.
For your front staff. So for example, you roll out the call tracking software, and let’s say 100 phone calls come in,
you’re going to want to record 100 phone calls came in. Here’s how much we spent on spend, how many converted to appointments. Okay, that is a very good
way to understand, like, what is the attribution? What is the ROI based upon this campaign value? And it’s a really good idea to start rolling something like this out so you can measure it, know the effectiveness of it, and truly understand, like, is the marketing working, or is the front desk working? Because if something is broken, like, let’s say you have a high call volume, like, lots of phone calls are coming in, and you can record the phone calls, and they seem like qualified potential leads, but your but your booking rate is super low, like, time to have a conversation with your front staff, right? Or the opposite. Maybe all these phone calls are coming in, but they’re just not qualified leads, and people are calling for random various things. Tend to look at your marketing campaign or your strategy there, okay, the other component I want to get into, guys is the online booking system.
You need to monitor where your appointments are being booked from so some EHRs and EMRs do a better job than others. I’m very critical on the booking widgets. I’m a big fan of online booking, but I’m now becoming even more a bigger fan of tracking attribution through online booking. It’s super, super critical the sophisticated EMRs and EHRs out there that have online booking have the ability to tie in Google Analytics four and UTM parameters to understand where these people are coming from, okay? And it’s like, it’s gonna be absolutely critical, and maybe this is a good time of year for you guys to look at and talking to your booking systems, and, you know, EHRs, ask them the question, do you have the ability to track attribution from my marketing? And if they can answer the question, yes, and then give you the details of how to set it up, like, go do that. This is going to really open up the door for you in understanding where to deploy marketing dollars, what’s working, what’s not working, okay? And you’ll be so surprised, because right now, if you don’t have this, you’re probably you’re just kind of guessing, right? Someone came to your site or your Instagram or whatever, they booked an appointment. Great, Cool. That’s great. We want appointments booked, but we want to know how they booked us. Did Sally refer them? Did they find us on a Facebook ad? Was it an Instagram ad? Was it the organic post that we did last week? Was it Google Pay Per Click ads? Was it our website like you have no way to know, right but if you have the right systems and the attribution set up, you’ll easily be able to know because it will monitor where your appointments are being booked from, like the website, social email campaigns, even text campaigns.
You can analyze abandon ship rates and optimize the booking process is super, super critical. Somebody may be going into the booking process and leave right and you need to make sure you have their information to give them a call back and bring them back into the top of the funnel, and then push them down into ultimately becoming a patient so very critical of online booking and having the ability to track attribution. Super, super important there and then the other one would be social media engagement. So truly, like, evaluate metrics such as likes, shares, comments, DMS, your reels. Like, understand exactly what this is going to attribute to revenue to specific campaigns that like actually lead to bookings. So I just went through this exercise, actually on my Instagram. I went through it, and I wanted to see what had happened in the past 90 days. So for q4
it was very interesting. You could see total people that viewed the profile, how many people clicked on the link that you have, what your demographic of audience looks like, what reels have the most engagement? And so if you guys haven’t had that, they haven’t taken the time to look at this data, I would strongly encourage it, because it’s going to give you an idea of what’s working, what’s not working, and what success looks like. And then you can actually attribute revenue to the to the either the specific, organic post or the campaign itself, right? Which is, which is super important, nothing, if you’re posting on like a reel or a story, you can obviously put a link in there, and that can be a specific link that goes to the booking widget the website. And you could, as long as you have the UTM parameters in there, you can track attribution back, right? So.
Really, guys, the purpose of this episode is, I want these practice owners and providers to become more sophisticated business owners. It’s absolutely going to be critical, because the demand is still out there. Demand is on the rise. We’re going into a very great year 2025. Is going to be a great year for the economy, based upon, you know, what everybody’s saying in terms of
what’s happening in the US, and in terms of what’s happening in our industry in particular. And you know, I think we’re going to see a really strong rise in demand, as we’ve seen in the in the past years. And it’s up to you to make sure to not only capture the demand, understand where the demand is coming from. So then you can double down on your marketing efforts. And I just see time and time again where people are consistently underfunding their marketing budgets. And then that’s like the first problem. And then from there, have no idea how to track attribution, and it’s, it’s going to be absolutely critical as we as we continue to move forward in this specialty and in this vertical together. So you guys, you know just, I want you to become more sophisticated. Track this stuff, if you’re not doing it now, take baby steps like start or talk to somebody that is a specialist and knows the technology in the industry and work with them and ask them questions, like, go to conferences, network. Like, it’s super, super important. Okay, the other component guys is, like, your paid ads, but by the way, like, if you’re not running paid ads at this time,
you’re missing out, like, plain and simple, you’re missing out on demand, the most successful practices. Again, they’re the best marketers, but at the same time, they’re the ones that also invest in marketing. And what I mean by that is you can be a great marketer, like through like you have a great social, organic social experience. You’re very personable, you’re just a naturally good marketer. You’re not afraid to be on camera. Your organic social is strong. But I time and time again, I see practice owners strong social game, organic social game, and they’re still not investing in ads on Google and Facebook or Instagram for that matter. Like you could just go grab your reels, like, for the last 90 days, look at which ones perform the best, and then use that as a Facebook ad campaign and push that out there like it’s super simple, and you’re going to capture demand right on historical, you know, podcasts and episodes that I’ve recorded, I’ve talked about what the spend ratio should be, and that continues to rise. I continue to to double down on that and say, hey, guys like, you should be investing anywhere from nine to 12% of your top line revenue into marketing. And if you were to do this exercise and this, you know, and you analyze it now, I would bet most of you are under investing. Okay,
thank you for listening to medical millionaire. I wanted to take just a few short moments and tell you all about growth 99 University naturally, if you’re listening to medical millionaire, the success of your Med Spa is extremely important to you, and as it should be. And if you’re listening to medical millionaire, you are obviously looking for the best, most effective ways to take your Med Spa to the next level in both profit and customer success, enter growth 99 University ranging from online education courses all the way to the full suite of marketing and web services. Growth. 99 has your Med Spa covered. No matter the challenges that you’re facing, we are ready and able to help you achieve your next level in business profit and freedom to inquire about all of our support services and products, please visit growth 90 and while you’re there, click the university link and check out the companion course to this very podcast. Back to the show. So so
if you’re not running ads, I would encourage you to do so. And the coolest thing about running ads is it’s super easy to track things like clicks, impressions, conversions, the attribution to the ads, understanding what your cost per lead is, your cost per click, your patient acquisition cost, your patient lifetime value on the ad side, it’s easy, because you’re actually deploying $1
against the actual return, right? So if you’re spending $10 and you’re getting back two or three, like a two to 3x return, what is, what I’m saying, that’s a very effective strategy, and you could it’s easier to do that on a paid strategy versus an organic strategy when it comes to attribution.
And the reason is, there’s something out there called UTM parameters that literally tie the performance back to the patient acquisition. And so if.
Not doing it, I would strongly, strongly encourage you to do so, because you’re only going to grow. You’re only going to get more patients, and what the data shows is the patients that come to you end up staying with you for three years. So if you’re not interested in getting more patients and missing out on patients staying with you for three years, then don’t do it. But I don’t think that’s the case in our specialty, in industry. I think we’re all looking to grow and looking to scale, and I think we’re trying to do it extremely intelligently. And the way to do it intelligently is take the time and analyze the data,
analyze what success looks like, and invest into marketing and into systems, and then track the data and make decisions that are backed by data, not emotion. The other thing too is email marketing. If you’re not sending emails to your current base, if you have a patient base,
you need to be emailing them. You should email them at least once a month. Newsletter updates, events, whatever it is they need. These, we look at our emails especially for your audience, your ICP, right? Your audience. As a practice owner is typically the business professional or the, I don’t want to say, stay at home, mom, but I guess like that in some cases, that is true. That has disposable income, typically a higher net worth individual that wants to invest in themselves and their confidence, whether it’s for their professional career or their spouse or themself, or whatever they’re doing in their extracurricular activity environment, right? So like these are people that are wanting to invest themselves. They check their email. And if you’re not staying in touch with your base, chances are they’re scrolling on Instagram or Facebook, and they’re going to see an ad from your competitor that’s kind of compelling, and they may go there, right? You don’t want to lose your base. Stay in touch with them. And the best thing about email, I’m going to try this back to attribution, is you can track open rates. You can track click through rates. You can track appointments that were booked from email campaigns. Right? I know that certain systems out there can send out emails to your base, and then you can track the appointments that come back in. So make sure, as you guys are going into 25 to not forget about email please don’t think it’s dead. It’s something that your ICP, your customer profiles. What I mean by ICP is the individual that absolutely checks their email and then analyze and re engagement campaigns for existing patients, continue to analyze what’s working, what’s not working. If you fire an email out and maybe it’s just not designed very well and doesn’t have a really good call to action or a good offer, a good update. And you think, Oh, we tried an email. It didn’t work. Like, look at the esthetic of it. Look at the content in there. Look at the call to action in there. Maybe it wasn’t built correctly. Make sure it actually sent, you know, do a test. Make sure it’s not going to spam, right? I’ve seen that be an issue as well.
I’ll talk about like, in Office experience for a second. You’re going to want to capture how many patients reference specific promotions campaigns when they book. So this is, this can be a really simple exercise. The minute the patient comes in, when they’re physically there, you should have a process in place. It’s like, Hey, I just wanted to double check if you could help me. Remind me, how did you hear about us? Right? Because in your system, it may show they came from a Google campaign, when really it was word of mouth referral, and they saw your Instagram and they saw your reviews, and so it’s like, it’s like five different touch points of attribution, and that’s really like the theme that I want to get out of this recording today for the listeners out there is you’re always going to have multiple touches of attribution, always, always, always, you can’t have a strong website with a crappy Instagram and terrible reviews like, that’s not going to work, right? These are sophisticated people that are going to come in and want to make decisions that are going to impact their confidence in their lives and their appearance and the way they feel. They’re going to do their research. And so if you, if they, if you’re running a Facebook and Instagram ad campaign, and they’re scrolling and they see it, they click on it takes them to a landing page, they’re going to book, right? Let’s say they book, but they’re also going to do their their research. You know, what are your before and afters look like? What does your credibility look like? What does your website look like? What does your your true social media look like? They may see the ad, click on it, and then go to your profile, and then look at your before and afters, then click on your link tree, then go to your website, and then go click, and you make, oh my gosh, like this came from our organic post, so it’s kind of just like a checks and balances, right? And they may not even remember. I saw your reviews. Sally told us about you. Your Instagram is great. Here’s the results, but it’s kind of good just to have, like, those checks and balances in place. Um.
Um, and then using things like surveys or intake forms to ask, like, how did you hear about us? And what I would do is I would then go back to my systems, and I would try to best match up my attribution. So at the end of the month, at the end of the quarter, you can go look at, here’s how much money we spent on marketing. Here’s the total, like, net attribution on where everything came from. And then from there you can double down. So let’s run that exercise.
A quarter goes by. You have all you have marketing running on all channels. You have great touch points. You have attribution, everything tied up and linked up, and you analyze it, and you’re like, oh my gosh, most of our new patient flow came from our Google ad campaign. Wow, that’s crazy. Okay, should we invest more in that Google ad campaign? Is there enough demand to invest in that Google ad campaign? Should we remove some of our budget from Facebook or from our social media organic strategy and shift that over to this campaign? Right? So you that’s how you make these these decisions, is tracking it over time, analyzing the data, and then pivoting and course correct wherever it makes sense. Okay, I’ll talk about reviews, referrals, like monitor patient reviews on platforms like, obviously Google. Y’all you know those types of places, Google is going to be the most important one in this specific arena. And then attribute referrals from loyalty programs. I talked a little bit about word of mouth, you know, those sort of things. So pivoting for a second,
how to actually implement the attribution is super, super important. So again, we talked a little bit about the touch points, what true attribution is. But now let’s talk a little bit about how to implement it. And guys, I have been in the CRM world for 20 years.
You know, I’m a big, big CRM, person, customer relationship management, lead management, marketing automation, having a specific tool set to automatically follow up with leads or potential leads that come in when you’re not there. And the nice thing about having a very sophisticated CRM is you can once you have all the attribution set up on the marketing side, it will come into the CRM and it will auto identify where the lead source came from. It’s just going to make your job a lot easier, and it’s going to help convert those leads, because it will kick off, you know, automated text, automated email, automated follow up. And so if you guys currently do not have a CRM system,
I would encourage you to do some there’s some great ones out there that exist in the market. And you know, I shoot, I brought CRM to this industry, which is, which is super, super interesting. Me being in CRM, as long as I have, I consistently saw that practice owners did not have a CRM at their fingertips, and so now, as we’ve expanded, there’s obviously quite a few offerings out there,
but it’s it’s absolutely critical guys to have a CRM system and to have automation around it. Speed to lead is extremely, extremely important. Measuring that I would actually measure how fast you get back to your leads, and out of those wins, which ones actually convert to patients.
So, you know, this first quarter where I kind of in 25 I’m going to get a little bit more analytical
of tech stack and and how important it is to be going into the year with systems and attribution and tracking and metrics and benchmarks. So just stay with me, guys, because when I first came into the industry, we didn’t have any of this stuff. Like there was so much paper charting, and I still hear it today.
That’s, that’s, you know, we’ve come a long way, but we have a long way to go. Invest in technology, invest into marketing, invest into systems.
It’s, it’s absolutely critical. But now where I’m seeing practice owners struggle is they’ll go by all these systems and they don’t set them up correctly, or they don’t take the time to set them up, and then they end up canceling them, and they really shouldn’t, and you should take the time to implement them and set them up and understand what they are, because whoever built them and whoever deployed them to the industry saw a gap and and it should be, you know, analyzed and invested and implemented correctly, so from a tech stack perspective and tracking attribution, if you’re to run an ad campaign and that lead comes in, it should auto identify the lead source, and the UTM parameters, which would actually attribute back to the marketing, which is super important,
integrate analytic platforms. I’ve talked about this before, hopefully you guys have Google.
Analytics setup, you absolutely should, because it’s going to show your your traffic. It’s going to show you your website traffic, which is super important based upon keywords. The other thing too is heat maps. If you’re curious to know where people are going to your website and where they’re clicking,
and if you feel a if you have your booking button in the wrong area. This is an exercise I’ve done a lot, and we’ve identified exactly where to put the booking button. And the reason why we know is because we’ve analyzed it with data and we’ve used products like Hotjar. Hotjar is a great tool. It actually it shows a heat map of your website. So if you want to go look and see where people are clicking on. It’s, it’s very interesting. Sign
up for, I think it’s, maybe it’s just a trial a hot jar. Go in there, and you can analyze the user behavior of your website, where people are clicking and where people want to click. I’ll kind of give you a little takeaway nugget. They want to click on that booking button, which is the top right of the page. You should have your booking button top right of the page. People, they read left to right, CTA, top right, the data shows that’s where it should be, and it’s stuck there. That’s where people really go to kind of click that booking button on the phone or on the desktop. Okay, I talked about call tracking software. There’s a great tools out there called call rail is a great one that you guys could deploy, or if you’re working with a marketing company, you could obviously just, they should probably have a subscription for it, but it will show you your your attribution on your phone calls. And you could tie those to campaigns. And you could say, Okay, well, we got 20 phone calls from this campaign, and we got five from this campaign. We got 100 from that campaign. Wow, that was a world of difference, right? And so having call tracking software absolutely critical
UTM parameters, I kind of talked about this a little bit, but tagging all your URLs, like every single URL, when you’re running campaigns, I mean paid traffic, you should track the performance. So for an example, adding a UTM parameter to an Instagram ad link that will see if it converts. And you can actually track it. You can, you can track it and then analyze the data.
Talked about booking systems, you know, obviously super, super critical. But you know, the ones that I’ve seen lately that have really incredible attribution is one man Boulevard is doing just a phenomenal job. And the attribution that I’m seeing there is absolutely critical. Cook through rates seem to be higher. Attribution is very easy to find. The setup is easy. And you know the the actual like drop off rate is another thing that you’re going to want to manage. So people are going to these booking softwares, and then they leave, they’re obviously having a bad booking experience. Okay, so if you, if you have, if you haven’t, analyzed your drop off rates or your conversion rate from when they click on the booking button, because you can put a UTM parameter on the clicking button itself. If you haven’t done that exercise, this time of year is a great time to look at that
and make sure you’re deploying the correct booking software that’s going to obviously tie the attribution back in
surveys and intake forms. I know that. You know, it’s in our specialty. It’s critical that we have intake forms. We have to learn about the patient, conditions, goals, journey, all those things, and so making sure that you have surveys and tracking of everything in place so they know exactly you know. And on there, if you don’t have on your intake forms, how did you hear about us? You should go add that I know that within some of the intake forms of these EHRs, it has the ability to customize the intake form a little bit. That’s something I would absolutely ask and automate your reporting. So everything should just roll back into the reporting, and you should be able to analyze your reporting with your internal marketing team, your external marketing team yourself, depending on what size of practice you are, and then really just make decisions based upon, okay, what was our cost per lead? What is our cost per acquisition when it comes to patient? What is our conversion rates? What’s our lifetime value? What’s our return on ad spend, our ROAs, right? So cost per lead is the total ad spend divided by the number of leads. That’s how you get your cost per lead, cost per acquisition, total ad spend divided by the number of bookings. Okay, conversion rates, percentage of leads that convert to patients,
lifetime value, average revenue generated per patient over time, return on ad spend, revenue generated from ADS divided by the ad spend. I want to leave it with that those are the key metrics to measure, but you have to have marketing in place first, then attribution.
In tech stack, and then you can measure the metrics. Okay, so the last part of this episode, guys, is measuring the metrics. And what I see time and time again is practice owners try to take all of this on themselves, and the ones that do are the ones that struggle, you are not going to want to take all this on yourself. You need to focus on your craft. Your craft is making people feel good. That’s it. You’re an artist. At the end of the day, I look at practice owners and providers as artists. You’re artists that make people feel good. And my gosh, what a freaking amazing job and career you guys have, like, focus on that. Focus on your craft. Hire a agency you know, invest in technology, bring in a marketing specialist. It’s, it’s the most critical component of being a practice owner is deploying the correct amount of marketing. Knowing how to track attribution, having a tech stack in place, making sure you’re not under investing in marketing like most practice owners are doing, and then doubling down on those efforts, measuring the metrics and making adjustments over time, where to course correct and where to adjust and pivot. So that’s a challenge that I want you guys to really think about going into the first part of this year. Takeaways. Number one, are you investing in marketing across the channel? Are you tracking attribution? Do you have the correct tech stack? Do you have the right marketing person, agency, whoever you’re using in your business. Do they understand esthetics? Do they understand everything that has to do with wellness right now, and GLP ones and CO two lasers and micro needling and all the different devices out there that benev puts out, that Allergan puts out that gal Derma puts out that Morpheus puts out in mode, like you know anybody that that’s out there, do they? Do they understand the content around like that is critical. Guys, absolutely critical. And so I would encourage you, as you go into the year again,
invest in marketing, understand attribution,
measure the metrics
and make decisions based upon data. I’ll leave it at that. You guys are amazing. I
really appreciate you taking the time to tune into this episode, this podcast. If you found this episode valuable, please share it. Share it with a colleague, share it with a friend, share it with your staff. Share it with your providers, share it with your agency. Share it with your technology providers. That’s my biggest ask, guys. I appreciate you. Thank you so much. Until next time, happy injecting you.


#147: Beauty Meets Data: Attribution Strategies for MedSpas in 2025


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