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Creating Lasting Memories: Growth99’s Pune Get Together

Creating Lasting Memories: Growth99's Pune Get Together | Growth99

Growth99 organized a social get-together in Pune recently, to promote teamwork, collaboration and positivity. It was a much awaited event, especially for the employees of the company, who eagerly looked forward to stepping away from their monotonous work schedule. The social gathering was carefully planned, with the intention to provide a soothing and relaxed atmosphere to enjoy an exclusive, fun-filled day away from their hectic work life. 

The gathering took place on 11 March, 2023 at FC Road Social, in Pune. The event kicked off in the afternoon at 12.30 pm, with a fun and engaging introduction session, where everyone got to know amazing off-work things about each other. It enabled the entire team to strengthen their bond as a unit, and get to know one another on a personal level. It was followed by a spirit-filled welcome drink, along with scrumptious snacks and nibbles. The purpose of the get-together was purely for Growth99 colleagues to come together, deepen relationships, network, and enjoy lunch together. 

Almost 25 people who resided in Pune attended the event. A few came with their kids which added more inclusiveness. Lunch started around 1.30 pm and the table was filled with fruits, juices, drinks, and other refreshments to munch on throughout the day. It was followed by a series of entertaining, engaging and interactive conversations and activities to boost team spirit among the employees. 

The gathering had an exhilarating yet thoughtful atmosphere, where all the employees enjoyed being a part of the lively environment, clicking pictures and interacting with each other. Everyone wore white Growth99 t-shirts which were delivered to their homes a day before, to attend the event in uniformity. This added a sense of unity in diversity and encouraged healthy worklives. The event was an opportunity for the team to open up to each other in a positive and encouraging way, and almost everyone who attended the gathering took advantage of it. Employees were smiling, clicking pictures, interacting with each other, while munching snacks and a few even dancing! This further helped in the growth of relationships and collaborations within the teams and colleagues.

As it was the third meet in the last six months which was held in Pune, hence people were already acquainted with each other and were more comfortable. While having drinks and a great lunch experience, this social gathering of Growth99 around Pune marked a great success.

The gathering ended and people started to disperse at 4:30 pm. Our CTO with other team members also paid a visit to the lawyer office for some official discussion, whereas a few wanted to celebrate more, and hence they decided on another event at 7:30 in the evening. It nothing but proved to be a much needed and well deserved break for all the employees. The event proved to be a perfect platform to enhance trust, and understanding between all the members of the team.

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