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Essential Self-Care With Meadow Tarves

Interview With Meadow Tarves

Introduction-  his Is a Medical Millionaire podcast helping your Med spa increase in status, visibility and profitability. Join your host as he dispels Miss Shares trends and gives you actionable steps today that will take your medical practice to the next level. Here’s your host, expert, marketer and founder of Growth99 Cameron Hemphill.

 Cameron Hemphill  –  Cameron’s Hemphill here are your hosts for medical millionaires. Hey, first off, thanks so much for taking the time to tune in to our podcast. Our goal is to give incredible value and insight into the medical spa market. So if you’re an injector, Yoda Med Spa,

You are in the space of really helping people become more self-confident. We know that you have tremendous challenges and great days and bad days and are big and entrepreneur. We totally understand it right here at growth 99. We consult Medical Spa owners all over the world and throughout this journey together, we want to help you, take your practice to the next level. So, in this episode, we have a great client, a great friend. From the youth bar Her name is Meadow at Arbus. She’s a busy mother of five. Who finds self-care essential for survival Meadow. Welcome to Medical millionaire. 

Meadow Tarves- My camera and thank you for having me.

Cameron Hemphill  – Thank you so much for taking the time. I know that living any day in your life has to be, I guess controlled chaos.  

Meadow Tarves–  Yeah. I would describe it. It’s controlled chaos. I will try to write a list. But yeah, if I get one thing done on that list, I feel like I’m accomplishing things for the employment in so many directions, but it’s working controlled. Chaos is working.  

Cameron Hemphill –  I love, um. So talk to me. I mean, how long have you had your practice? Tell me a little bit about your story. How did it come to fruition? And in what drove you to get to where you are today for azure? 

Meadow Tarves-  That’s actually really good story. I don’t think I would have had objective eighty or been able to tell it a few years back. But um, I have an interesting background. I have a bachelor’s in business. And then I did graduate work in liberal arts. And when my husband and I moved to Colorado, um, eight years ago, um.

What kind of we were done having kids? And I was like, well, I can go and work on my doctor, but I didn’t really know what I wanted to do, and they’re happy to be this little Aesthetics. Cool. Right? Where we were renting and my husband’s, like, letting go looking Aesthetics, you’ve always loved Aesthetics. So I went down there and I met the lady and she’s like, yeah, I haven’t ruled school here, you should take courses in, you should get your aesthetic license. Well, long story short, I ran right through. It wasn’t really hard for me to do, and I ended up teaching at this school and I got my aesthetic license, almost 8 years ago. Go and in the state of Colorado, it’s a little different here. The way that the state laws are so as long as you work with the medical director, you can do medical procedures, as long as you have a supervising physician. And so I got into injecting and the medical side of things, almost eight years ago and it was more fun, it wasn’t really serious.  

In the way that, you know, is taking me away from my family and my kids because they were so young, they were to through, let’s see 13 at the time and we just moved to Colorado, but my husband actually got sick. He had a hole in his heart and had a stroke at the age of 37. Pretty much like months. After I got my aesthetic license and we were just in complete chaos. Like, we just our world with turn. And inside out because, you know, I was, you know, always kind of helping him with his business, but really being there for the little kids and it kind of turned our world and opposite directions. He said to me like meta you’ve got to you got to figure something out. We I can’t keep doing what I’m doing. He has a very labor-intensive job working in the hair industry with insurance. So you know it’s physical work and sometimes he’s traveling for that and he just couldn’t 

Manage and do the same amount of effort that he did before his stroke. So I found aesthetic something that I loved before that crisis happened. But that made me have to really look at things in a different way. It wasn’t just for fun anymore. It was like, I’ve got to make money. Um. So we took a little bit of our savings. Which we had from selling a home in North Carolina. And we signed a lease. And I remember signing that lease and be like, I have no idea how I’m gonna ever pay this lease. I didn’t know anyone who didn’t have one customer. Um. But here we are now able to say, been at this location that was we wanted to our fifth year. And we’re gonna do close to two point five in gross revenue this year. So you know, it’s.

It’s amazing what you can do when you think you can’t. But when you have to, you know what, I’m always learning, I still feel like I’m just at the beginning like I have so many things that I want to do covid kind of set us back a little bit, but yeah, that’s that was kind of how I got going into owning a medical spa. So it isn’t all Rosy and fun but I tell you what we can and do whatever we put our mind you, if we have to and I You know.  

Cameron Hemphill ––  Wow. That’s, that’s an incredible story. Thank you so much for sharing. I mean I’m sure that was. I mean, you were, you had your back up against the wall, you’re put in a position to, you know, fight or flight, right? Like like, okay, what do we do? And and you’re exactly right. I mean, when you’re, when you’re putting it in a position,  

And, you know, you just basically, you take action. I mean, that’s that’s what you did. Was you took action instead of taking the time to like, think and process. And you no doubt yourself and ask people. I mean, it sounds like you just took action went and signed a lease with hey, I know this is what I got to do. I don’t know how I’m gonna do it but we’re gonna do it right? And overcoming, like, Ridiculous amounts of fear, right? And now putting yourself in a position in five short years to do 2.5 million in gross revenues. Like wow, that is incredible like congratulations, this is amazing.

Meadow Tarves–  Thank you. Thank you. Yeah. I think you you said it action. I had to learn at a crisis that action is what cures anxiety. I still find that you know, whenever I kind of get into a position in the business. Um. Anytime I take action, I always feel better because I mean, and thinking doesn’t usually help me out of the situation. I’m in. And yeah, I think that you nailed it right there by saying, you know, I was pinned to do action, but I still apply that even now like that’s still helps me.  

Cameron HemphillYeah. I mean, absolutely. I think a lot of you know, entrepreneurs or business owners really get in the the process of of thinking. And they think that they have to have the entire thing mapped out perfectly, almost like, ah.  Almost like a set of plans to build a house where like every wall goes here, everything goes there. That’s where the, you know, but but in reality that’s just not life where things change every single day. And and I think we’re a lot of entrepreneurs fall short is they simply just don’t take action and pretty much what happens is somebody else will and there goes the opportunity 

Meadow Tarvesand any action is better than no action. Even if it’s the wrong, action is what I found exactly. Way you learn is by making mistakes. I mean, I’ve made so many mistakes and you just have to give yourself some breaks and be like, okay, well that didn’t work. So let’s redirect and try something else. 

Cameron Hemphill- That’s I mean you said.  it exactly. So  You know, when somebody fails it something you know a lot of times they retract or they like well I failed and they give up. We’re we’re really instead of saying no I didn’t I didn’t. Maybe it didn’t work but we learned what not to do and then you implement things are what to do, right?  

Meadow TarvesYes, yes, always learning. I always say that. I’m always learning. I think you have to keep that mindset because there’s just so many ways of going. About something. And I mean, the world is full of them and I like to look at, you know, what other people are doing outside of the industry to and see what works. Like what kind of systems are in place at how I can improve and make my life easier? So I try to, you know, always stay in a growth mindset as well. 

Cameron Hemphill-Yeah. Just just been talking to you. It sounds like you. You do. A lot of continued education, just through being an entrepreneur. If you’ve set a couple of buzzwords that, ah, that I hear a lot of times in the books that that I read and and helped, you know, kind of book growth and United in a position where where I am and you have to be in that growth mindset, right. Like we don’t know everything. And I think if you’re in that stagnant stuck mindset where you’re almost like, oh, yeah, like, we know it all. We’ve everything is the way it is. You’re never going to really see like the the true version of what you can become. Right

 Meadow Tarves – Yeah. Yeah. And then in bano being vulnerable, you know what. What’s happening is that I do have good news. I have to say, though I did just find out the last week. And I didn’t know how to take way into this, but I did get accepted. I’m going to be pursuing my bachelor’s and nursing accepted. I found out Friday.

And so that was something I was working for so I’ll be going back to school. May have 22. It’s an accelerated program and I’m going to be exhausted. So right now what I’m doing with the business is and it’s I’ve been reading what? Read it years ago. The book The e-myth. Have you read the e-myth? Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. So I right now I’m trying to apply all of that because I’m going to be Mia from the business while I’m in school, starting in May. So we’re putting all kinds Of systems in place. But that is probably one of my favorite books that I didn’t need to read probably 20 times because it’s just, it’s amazing.    Yeah, I agree. I mean, there’s just there’s there’s books out there that really have changed my life for sure.  

And just like what you said, there’s ones that you have to reread several times. Because like second the third, the fourth, the fifth time you get so much more out of them, right? Like the first, the first governess like uncovering the hood and then you really start start diving into them, right? Yeah. Yeah. What are some of your favorite books? What are you? What do you feel like really helped you? You know? Like I’m I’m very I read a lot. And in fact I Have a, I have an entire episode where I drill into why I listen to content and audio like during my workouts and in my commutes and during my runs and stuff like that.

Because it’s hard to find time to actually sit down and in in raid for busy individuals like you and I see almost have to like, fit in well, how do you fit it in right. So most of my threw, you know, I would say, shoot the last three to five years has mainly been through been through audio and ones that I’ve recently completed that. I absolutely love Tim Grover wrote. I don’t know if you know who he is. But winning and relentless. He trained Kobe Bryant and and Michael Jordan, um, incredible book. Like I listened to winning. I think back to back and had to just stop myself and write down things and was just completely like I even got most financial times. Come on, I have to add that one. So my commute is really short. Like I live. Which also helped me manage a bit more than five kids.

But I’ll have to start doing that when I get on my Peloton or go outside and exercise, we need to be better about the Audio. I forget about that. I tend to read right before I go to bed, just because it’s a way for me to decompress. I’m probably older than you. I’m tactile. Like, I like to have the book. Yeah, I yeah, I buy, you know, I buy the books is well and I try to, I try to, you know, get at least one per quarter of like a hard copy. Copy book, read it. A lot of what I mean, you know, I’m sure we read a lot of the same books. Like, you know, financial success stuff like that.  

Cameron HemphillYou know, an entrepreneur books I like to read, you know, really and study the wealthy and very successful entrepreneurs and figure out exactly what mistakes they made. How did they get to where they are? And what kept them motivated through all of the anxiety, through all the fear through all the self-doubt through, everybody telling like everybody telling, you know, somebody’s already done that. You can’t do that, right? And I think it’s interesting. Like, as I’ve read so many, Any of these these books about entrepreneurs and Wealthy individuals even when it comes to like Warren Buffett. Benjamin Graham like John Bogle, Grant Cardone. Those are some of the guys I admire, wow. Yeah, you know, it’s like they all they almost have the same 

Kinda story in the sense of how much discipline may have, you know, like a lot of our like what we’re not unless in special. There’s nothing smart about me up, you know. And of course, obviously, maybe they’re saying themselves a little bit short. And maybe every successful entrepreneur is and being humble in having humiliate about it. But at the same time, like being an entrepreneur and being a successful entrepreneur is like, a lot of it has to do with discipline. Like what? What would your take be on on your your daily discipline more? 

Meadow Tarves–  Absolutely will. I think my background and um, being an athlete was really helpful. I was a collegiate runner. So I think I learned to push through suffering, because let’s be honest like being an entrepreneur, you want to quit sometimes. And there’s days that you just don’t throw your hat. And I’m like, I’m done. I mean, I have those days and I don’t think if you acknowledge that like. 

That’s that part of the journey and, you know, we have this glamorous, they know I did this. I did that believe me, there were a lots of nights and days where I did not want to keep going, but knowing that you your hard work will pay off like even this application to get into the nursing program. It’s been, oh my gosh. I didn’t take all my science courses has been. I don’t even see, it’s probably 25 years since I’ve taken like a chemistry course. And I literally wanted to quit, I wanted to put, I was like, I can’t do this. I’m almost 44 years. Sold. I am not going to be able to get the a I need to get into these programs are so Pro competitive. But so I just thought with it an approximated and then finally, I was like, I have to hire a tutor and so like instead of like just stopping with I wanted to I’d like I had to acknowledge that I needed help in a certain area. But I think that being an athlete that persistent because  

Sometimes it’s just hard and that’s okay to say to and I think the other thing that maybe we haven’t touched on one thing that I know when I’m overwhelmed and I’m overworked sometimes just not doing anything is the best recipe and try to give trying to do more because I know like, I read all these things like keep going and I believe that, but I also know. And I think that self-care thing that you did that will quote, that’s on our website from me. I know, for a fact, like, if I am not okay, like no one’s, okay? Like the kids aren’t. Okay, my business isn’t okay. Okay. So I would learn to say no to things and listen to my gut and for me that is self care. And I think when you were talking about like Grant Cardone and Warren Buffett, one of them said like learning to say no is one of the most important things as an entrepreneur because your energy and your time is priceless.

And so I think that that self-discipline, absolutely, I have that naturally, I have that drive. But almost like I have to learn how to turn off. Because as you know, Cameron is an entrepreneur, like, your mind’s always going to like, how do you how do you refill that cup. And so you can come back with a different mindset to that same the problem. And for some of my tactics are, you know, completely unplugged from technology? Get outside and get quiet by myself. I’m I’m kind of an introvert. I can do the whole entrepreneurial thing all day long and talk, but like how I regenerate is to go within. I would love to hear kind of how. How do you regroup? Oop. How do you refill your your cup? 

Cameron HemphillYeah. And I I absolutely appreciate everything. You just said it’s so true. Um. Really kind of like?  Rolling back to like you you being an athlete and having that you know experience of being a Collegiate Runner, right? I bet we could talk for an hour. I’ll just that. Right? And overcoming. Yeah, wanting to quit it. Oh my gosh. Like yeah, yeah that’s trade your mind like wow that is that is amazing. And I know has made a huge impact of how successful that you are. I didn’t know that about you. That is that is very cool because I’m actually a Very big Runner and awesome. Yeah, running is one of the things that I actually do that, come comes back to your question. To me is that’s one of the things I do. In fact, I won. Yeah, I run every, I run every day usually and and it’s during well right now. I’m in Utah. So the seasons changing a little bit. 

In the summer, I run in the morning and I go to the gym in the afternoon but in the where it’s kind of transitioning from from, you know, fall to winter right now. I guess you don’t remember. I guess is winter. Technically, I guess, but it’s still kind of nice here. I’m running in the afternoons and I haven’t scheduled. It’s on my, it’s on my calendar and it’s from 2:00 to 2:30. I mean, you know, I run about four miles within the half hour and it completely takes me out of, you know, basically like working with clients, working with customers, putting out fires, like, moving the needle. Like, there’s so much going on, right? That I don’t, I either think on that run about everything, or I don’t think at all, or all, like, black out and all the sudden I’m done, and I’m rebooted. So, that’s one thing I get outside, I get quiet. I Mikey. I’m an introvert. I like to Earth. I like to do. 

Breathing techniques. Gratitude walks. Um yeah. Because it’s it’s challenging. I completely agree with you. There has been so many times in my career that I’ve done. I can’t do it anymore. Like I’m I’ve done like, this is just crazy. Why am I doing this? What? What is the point? And you know a lot of times? What’s helped me is? Is I I try to come back to my Y? Um my Y. Right. And that’s kind of really helped me like, okay, you. You you. You’re really zeroing in on your way. Has helped me kind of prevail through very challenging times.  

Meadow TarvesYeah. Yeah. Well I I can resonate with all of that. And you know, ultimately I do love what I do and.I know that you love what you do. You’re such a do such a great job and you’re so responsive of it ever had anything, an email like you’re like, Johnny on the spot. It’s like live in five minutes. You know, you guys are on it and that takes a lot of work to like keep the quality and that communication up. So you’re killing it. And I know how much goes into that server. Just want you to understand that. Like, I see you and I appreciate you and it’s been great working with you guys. And how do you get the whole thing is, like, how do you keep the quality when Or quantity increases you know and I think that’s that’s something. I’m even trying to figure out and replicating myself. No that’s kind of like where I’m at right now. How do I repeat  What it is that I figure it out, and that takes work to delegate that out. 

Cameron Hemphill It totally does. And I mean, and you going back to school. And basically, having to kind of almost remove yourself in a way from a day-to-day, right? It’s like Italy. Yeah. You, your, you know what? I was talking to a good friend of mine recently and he’s a successful entrepreneur. And, you know, he goes, what’s your biggest challenge right now? And I said, you know, we’re we’re growing very, very fast and and I love the growth we’re having and I’m very focused on customer experience and so you know, we’re always trying to figure out how to scale and he’s like, you know, he’s like scaling is like he’s like it’s so funny because once you once you feel like you finally got all your processes, figure it out,   And you got the right staff and you get the right processes. The right products, you know, he goes, and then I’ll say, you grow even more. And then you have to like re scale like we implement my cure. You just nailed it. I don’t know if you can ever figure out how to solve the scaling problem, right. Like when you go from two and a half million to two five million, it’s a different business care.  

Meadow Tarves–  Yeah. And our our plan has always been here before covert. We’ve had a couple elo and I we will get writing to find and have a couple of other locations. I’m so glad we didn’t. Because I don’t think I was ready. It’s like I’ve learned so much since cobit and we, you know, we restarted guys and kind of cleaned and tightened things. But I’m glad I did try to replicate them. Like I’m kind of glad we’ve got a pause button, but I absolutely can completely agree. You just get a different set of problems. It’s like you think you get to that next step. And then it’s like, oh, well, if I want to do this, it’s just different problems. But you become a problem solver. I mean, that’s just what you have to do just.  

And you’re always gonna have problems. I think you have the acceptance that there’s always going to be problems and everyone has problems and you kind of get out of your own way and over yourself to it’s like, well, okay, everyone’s dressed.

Break Time-  Thank you for listening to Medical millionaire. I wanted to take just a few short moments until you all about Growth99 University naturally. If you’re listening to Medical millionaire, the success of your Med Spa is extremely important to you and as it should be. And if you’re listening to Medical millionaire, you are obviously looking for the best most effective ways to take your meds spot to the next level in both profit and customer success. Enter growth. 99 University ranging from online education courses, all the way to the full Suite of marketing and web services growth 99. Has your Med Spa covered. No matter the challenges that you’re facing we are ready and able to help you achieve your next level in.  Is profit and freedom to inquire about all of our support services and products, please visit And while you’re there, click the university link and check out the companion. Course, to this very podcast back to the show, Totally.  

Cameron Hemphill   Totally. That’s, I mean, I can’t I mean, I totally agree with that, like, there’s always going to be problems. You’re always going to have to make decisions you’re like hard difficult decisions. Like I think it would be, it would be funny to know, like how many decisions do you think you make throughout the day? As quickly as you do, make them in, actually how big they are right and you get better at that, you know?

Meadow Tarves   I don’t know if you’ve ever done a person personality kind of test for your staff, or Yourself and I’ve changed so much from the beginning of owning a business.

And to now, there’s like a colors test that we do with our staff where you’re like, you know, yellows like warm and cuddly. Lose very analytical read is like making a decision like you just said, like, you know, like you’ve got gotta make decisions on the fly. And a lot of times people will find my emails on my territory abroad because I’m like, yes, you know, do this. Um. And so we do that with our staff. We understand how are communicating. So if someone’s really yellow, they’re gonna be offended when I send a text that doesn’t ask them how their day is. And so I have to learn how to engage in yellow, but they also have to understand that Meadows coming from this place of sugar. How much time? She just wants to get stuff done. But I have found that since opening, I’ve become far more red and far more blue, but they say that leaders have to have that quality, because we do have to make decisions that are so quick and explaining ourselves. We can’t always explain ourselves, because sometimes stuff just have to get done.  

Cameron HemphillYeah, yeah, absolutely. Yeah, I have, I have taken those color personality test. We have done it internally as well, and it’s probably time for us to redo it to you as. Well, I mean, it, it’s very interesting you know what I’ve also done with my children as well. Have you done that with your kids?  

Meadow TarvesI have? And you know the cool thing was that I was completely different at home than I was at work. Which made me feel really like I was like I’m glad that I did. Don’t take red home to work to the house. Everyone would think, I would mean mommy, but I was but, you know, I mean, I have to be read with them too. 

Cameron Hemphill It’s almost like you have to be like dual personality, to keep everything controlled and everybody happy. Yeah. And I don’t, I don’t know. Balance exist. Meadow Tarves I mean, – I think that, I think that’s a myth. I don’t like that word balance, because you can’t be in two places at one time. So, you know, all these people are like, work-life balance. I’m like that, just stresses me out. That’s a myth. I agree. 100% like, I’m like balance what? It’s, it’s Pain and like everything is just coming at you non-stop, you know? Yeah. There’s always give and take and it’s like, you got to just decide when the time is like you got to be really. I’ve learned I have to be really focused if I try to do more than one thing at one time in different Arenas and more life than nothing gets done. Well, so like that’s what I’m saying. There’s not really balanced, it’s not like you can do. Oh let me go home and you know, help the kids with their homework and send this.He lost out to my my patients. It just doesn’t. You can’t do both at the same time.

Cameron Hemphill–  Yeah. Yeah. You know, I mean, you have to focus on being present, right. It’s like we’re that’s what’s that’s what I’ve tried to really do. A better job of like. Hey work is work like I’m on this podcast. Right now, I’m one hundred percent present right now. I’m focused on. I’ve been the zone, Dude. I’m talking with you. I’m not sending emails. And when I’m with my kids, you know, and with my my spouse, I’m I’m not doing that either. Right. So it’s it’s it’s challenging. And especially with that, you know, the super computer may carry around in our pocket all the time. Like I think it makes a lot of noise, you know. Um ah. It’s very powerful but your hardware.  

Meadow Tarves–   It’s a hard one, especially with my older kids because my oldest is 21, and then my youngest is 10. So we have, you know, we have young adults and teenagers and the amount of technology that these kids have. And to watch them, try to navigate their world with that. It it’s not easy for them, and it’s definitely not easy for myself, you know. And to be present, like you said, like, are we ever really present? If we always have this, you know, the world in our pocket right here, hmm. And that’s a conscious choice and that’s what I’m trying to teach and I do this.

Cameron Hemphill–  Pull you in it totally, does it sucks you in? Because it’s like the world almost demands Perfection, it demands immediate response. You want to give immediate response and in it, it can pull you in so many ways. Like I’m 100% guilty of it for sure. What? What I have tried to do a good job of is, is when okay, what I have said, look, I’m done with my work day. I put in a very solid day’s worth of work. I’m not going to change the world. In one day, I try to put my phone in my bedroom and and I found that by separating myself from that device, my anxiety level drops and my presence in my communication, with my family kind of  Flows very, very nice. Um you know. And then, of course, in the back of my mind, everyone too. I’m like, oh, yeah. Sure. I’d better go in there. Like look at an email. What if a customer needs me? 

Meadow Tarves—    Nobody the invited are. I know. But I think, you know, I see a lot of people in our clinic all day long and watching. Um. You know the last couple of years on photos. They have and just see the level of anxiety and and the information that’s coming out of trying to go through a pandemic and fame. It’s like we have too much information, you know, and I don’t know for quite like other species able to handle it all. But I always feel a lot of people just really struggling with anxiety and mental health. I mean, we.  I’ve seen it in my life, with my kids in that age group. I mean, it’s a real thing and it’s going to be interesting to see how we handle it. I mean, if you talk to anyone mental health across the country, I mean, you can’t get in and I do think it comes down to it too much coming at us at one time. So that the fact that you can leave your phone in the room. I mean, that right there, it’s got to begin somewhere.

Cameron Hemphill–  Hey, yeah, it does have to start somewhere. I mean, it’s I agree. I mean, I’ve had family members members struggle with mental health, and it’s a very much a real thing, and it’s definitely getting worse and worse. It’s like information overload. Demand, anxiety, depression. All this stuff, right? 

Meadow Tarves—   I And even identity, like what’s real not real, you know, I mean, talking about like our world, I have patients come in and they show me something on Instagram like that. Still third, that’s not real, like we can accomplish that. So it’s just a weird space to be in. I can’t raise a family and to have a beauty business, you know. It’s like it’s interesting, you know, and then to stay grounded and whatever truth or reality is it’s like we’re all kind of making it up as we go right now because we do have so much access. It’s a weird kind of your Amin

Cameron Hemphill–   it is funny. You say that like I bet you have quite a few clients that come in and say hey I should make me look like this and you’re like that’s literally a Photoshop filter. How do you handle it? How do you handle it?

Meadow Tarves— –   Well we have an amazing plastic surgeon that’s actually on staff at the office. Like this is his office, semi retired. And he’s really good about telling and help me train the staff about these. Like we don’t want to create a Michael Jackson syndrome is what you know. The docs in the day would call it is, you know, there’s body dysmorphia. Um. I say no a lot. And I’m lucky enough here in Boulder County. That a lot of people don’t want to look like they’ve had work done. Probably a different culture than maybe if I was, um, in L a. I don’t want to throw L a under the balls because I also seen a lot of people say no. There as well. But I think there’s kind of like a pushback. Now it’s like.

You know, we want to build foundations. We want to build and support the aging process. We don’t want to alter features, we want to enhance the beauty and I simply will. We will just back just say no like no more, you know, and we might lose the patient over but I don’t we don’t want our work to walk around like oh I went to use bar and they look like an alien and unfortunately there’s a lot of that going on or has Kind of become that way. I hope there’s more pushback. 

Cameron Hemphill–  Yeah, no, I think that’s important. I think like setting the expectation and in really being grounded, you know, you’re doing them. You’re doing them, a service by being upfront, being being honest and saying no versus like, yeah, I feel like we could do that, you know, and then yeah, yeah.

Meadow Tarves–    yeah.    And if you’re doing that, you know, I mean pregnant.  It’s you got a, you’ve got a, you’ve got a tree at four outcomes, you can be pushing product for profit, you just not going to sustain in this business, you know, I mean those people just go find someone else that will say yes to them and that’s not who you want to have as your clientele anyways.

Cameron Hemphill–   It’s so true. I was interviewing another client in a different state and she talked a lot about that. Setting the expectation saying no and saying, you know, if those are if that’s the type of look you’re going for, we’re probably not the best provider for you and she was actually, you know, if they giving a couple referrals of other places that she should maybe check out. So it’s kind of nice to see like like almost like the medical Esthetics Market kind of  

You know, help each other vs be so like, wow, you know, like when you dry. Why? 

Meadow Tarves I always say, you know, because it’s easy to get worried like invitation gonna go here there. And I remember them getting worried about topic does not attract your people. You know, I mean, my guy does not going. Not everyone’s going to want to go see meadow. Some want to be meadow and get injected. Like they might want to go see Dr Wilson down the street and he’s gonna have his entire hire staff. Not everyone’s going to want to come to use bar. That’s like more vibrant and has its field. And there’s enough for everyone. You know, I mean, this industry is growing. You just have to really stick with your brand. And what it is you’re trying to deliver and just focus on outcomes, and you’re not going to be everyone’s person. And I remember at the beginning, I wanted I, like, tried to bend myself twenty different directions. Um for that client. That patient. And I’ve just learned that doesn’t work without to be myself.

Cameron Hemphill   So true, it’s so true and really, like focus on your core competency, Emmett. Absolutely. So, so with you being in Boulder County, right? I’m familiar with, with that area, north of Denver. I’ve actually spent quite a bit of time in Boulder myself, downtown Boulder. At it’s a great. It’s a beautiful area. I mean, just gorgeous. It’s really pretty. How do you have? Where do most of your clients come from? Like how do they find you?

Meadow Tarves –    Yeah, That’s a great question. So when we first started, it was very, very strong referral base. So it was word of mouth and actually, that’s how I found my medical director was. I had a patient when I first opened my little spot and I signed that lease. I had a patient, I did excited, her looks and she loved him, and she went and told her previous

My plastic surgeon for something. I can’t remember, he’s semi-retired and his wife and her we’re talking, she’s like, oh my gosh, they look so good, long story short, I found my medical director. She came to me to get something done. So, that’s how I built a business was very community-based just like, organically, that way. Now, what I’ve realized is, like, I need people like you and so we’ve been working on that together, but honestly, referral putting out good income putting the patient first. Ahead of profits is so important, but I can’t say enough about what about it really is. I think even as we’re doing these promotions with you and we’re growing the SEO, and we’re getting those reviews on Google. Those are actually all real patients and it’s really cool to see.

But it’s actually we’re getting kind of the mix and you’re helping this up. But also I’m like, oh my gosh, that’s that’s Natalie. He left that review like, I know that patient, you know. And it’s it’s just hard work. And it’s a long game. I don’t think it happens overnight. I mean, we could be stronger, probably on Instagram. I’m not from Colorado. I don’t have like a strong connection and communitywide. And I’ve been here eight years now and I have kids. But like, this isn’t my hometown, I didn’t grow up here either. So I guess my point is is if you decide to do something you can do it. You know, it’s not like I have like family friends and everything. I did this from nothing. I knew. No one when I started. 

Cameron Hemphill That’s that’s yeah. I mean, eight years. Yeah. Not growing up within the community. Going to school, right? Like having like everybody, you may like that specific influence. If you will. That’s huge. And like, word amount is so so important because people want to talk about their experience.  And that’s why Thanksgiving is coming up, right? Like as all the families kind of get around friendsgiving Thanksgiving, with family, whatever it is. We they talk and like you know like that you’ll get a compliment a your shirt looks cute. Hey, your lips so cute. Hey you know like what are you doing that again? And they took like oh my gosh, you have to go see Meadow. She’s like amazing and and people like to share their experience that they enjoy and that you can’t, you know, discredit that. It’s very much real. And important if you treat people right and do good, it comes back to you tenfold. 

Meadow Tarves   Absolutely. And then how do you how to use share that experience digitally. I think it’s like something I’m learning, you know, and spyware on the phone doing a podcast together. But like how do you translate that from that experience? The patient has  To replicating that message digitally. And I think I mean, that’s what you’re doing here – you know, I mean that’s that’s what we’re that’s, that’s the method just like, what do you want your message to be? How do you want to be seen and show that experience that other people have had with you?  

Cameron Hemphill–  Yeah, absolutely. I mean and what we talked about a lot is the is the buyer journey and really trying to get into the mindset and the head of your audience and really, you know, let’s just take like a specific use case or example. Givings coming up and the family sits down and you know, your cousin is there, whatever. And you know they say wow you you look beautiful. You like your face is is it just looks amazing. Like I’ve never seen your face shine like anything, right?    Yeah. How did you take the experience digitally? Because at that moment in time. Right there. It could be a word of mouth referral, like a nodular. Hey. You gotta go to youth. Burnt Sienna, like that’s as quick as it could be. Well what does that person do? The person. Basically it’s gonna say, okay, great. Like I trust this person and I’ll take their recommendation, but they’re going to go look at your web site and they’re gonna make decisions on how how does your website flow the look the color, the the call to action. Can you book online? Can you call you? Can you how your services like? They look at that then what they do. Well they look at your Instagram and they look at your Facebook and your social media. And how does your profile look like or how many followers do you have? And then they look at your Google reviews.  and your Google reviews is like, like that is all about your credibility and your reputation, how many do you have? What’s your star rating? You know, and those key indicators right there from the website to the social media to the reviews if you have a focus on that, that’s where you get those like almost like those word-of-mouth referrals to expedite within the conversion rate substantially 

Meadow Tarves  Yeah, networks are reviews. I mean the system you put in place. It’s been so much easier to ask for reviews. We have like a little QR sign when you walk in and we’ve gotten really good at asking, we don’t care, but are at our facility, like there’s no kidney because we do other services besides like will do, you know, facials. But at this point, we do our entire staff is all medical there either. You know, BF ends or  Like PA is so we don’t have any applications that we don’t have tipping. So people always ask in return right now. The best tip is to leave a review and we’ve seen our reviews new priority. And then we went from like I think like having a deal I can grow up to like 165 and I’m like okay girls like if we get 30 more reviews in the next couple weeks you know, that way but that you just spoke about  

Cameron Hemphill–  That’s very true. Thanks. A lot of work takes a lot of patients a lot. A lot of money and resources. I mean, why? It’s ah, but at the same time, when you you know if you could look at the return from that by not having to like, have somebody pick up the phone and and have the conversation or you know, being able to manually do all these processes. Is that you can automate? That’s also time and money there. So you have to maximize your time, because time is the most valuable asset. We have period, right. So so. Yeah. I mean, yeah, you’re you’re exactly right. Like we see websites all the time that you can’t book online or they have like it. They’re like single page. Wix website sites are square website since it’s like in there’s like a link to go to their Instagram or something. I’m like, this is just not scalable, you know, and and really have to almost like educate them before you even go into implementation.

Meadow Tarves–   Yeah. Education is huge to you know, having fa Q’s, or having before and afters or you know, all of that. So when they come to you they are already made the decision to sit in your chair and do something. And we find that, you know, that if someone booked an appointment with us, I would say probably 99% of the time. They’re doing something in the care, but they’ve already decided if they’re in your chair.  

Cameron HemphillOh yeah, absolutely. Absolutely. They’ve already said and then you know what the cool thing is too is you can modify Ties it right? So that so so they come in because they were referred to you, like, just go back to the Thanksgiving thing and they’re now they’re okay. And you, it’s your time to shine, right? You greet them. You welcome them. Now you now it’s time to conduct your skill set of why you do what you do. And now when they’re leaving, they’re going to go into that process. Just like how that person referred them to you, they’re going to give the Google review, they’ll connect on social media.

Maybe you will read books that maybe you’ll put them on a membership plan, whatever the case is and now you just expose them to the youth bar experience and they may know hundreds of people that also they could refer you to the youth bar experience and the and it goes on and on and on and on and on, right? So it’s that checkout process and the monetization of that referral is like if you if you implement the right strategies is you can’t really put a price tag on.  

Meadow Tarves–    You know you can’t and it’s a system you know, what is the e-myth always say you, what you don’t, you don’t want human running the system’s, you want systems running people all the time.  Because usually it’s my fault because there isn’t some kind of. We don’t have a process for that. It’s not their doing their best. They can. It’s not their job to know how to do something. So anytime I see something. Go wrong. I’m like, you don’t have a process or system for that. So how do we fix it?

Cameron Hemphill–   So I mean, you said that so well, um, because they’re not in your mind. Right. Like sometimes I think the boss gets guilty of thinking like they should know. And I hired you. Well not read my mind. I do that to my husband too. For husbands. Oh. Read my mind. Yeah. I’ve I’ve. I’ve felt that experience as well for my spouse. Um.

So okay well hey I know you’re busy. I know that it’s yeah it’s great top of the hour. This is great. Thank you so much for your time. Like this, this has been very helpful. Our audience is going to absolutely love it. You know, going from five years ago to to your husband experiencing. What he did, you guys go on through that crazy time, defined by the way,  

Meadow Tarves–   everyone, he’s fine, everybody good. 

Cameron Hemphill–   I mean  Health and happiness. Yeah, their loved ones are so, so important to us and we always got to make sure we’re spending the topic quality time. Especially this time of year is very, very important, but which you almost say in closing here that, oh, was that a blessing in disguise,   

Meadow Tarves–   100%? I don’t know what everyone’s comfortable, calling it Divine. I mean, I’m a spiritual. I grew up kind of like, wonk, he’s weird. But absolutely 100%. Sent, I would not change a thing and I think what I learned when to compete with an ICU for four days. Also the things that we worry about are usually things we never need to worry about and the things that do happen, you’re going to be just fine because when he was there, there was a piece. And there there. That’s just life. Like I think we just need to realize, like we can sit here and having gaiety and circle around circle around. Well it would stuff truly happens. We are so capable when you’re so much more than we give ourselves credit for. But hundred percent that’s been a blessing for my kids myself. I have grown so much because of that. And our relationship is better because of it because we kind of had to reverse roles. And we really have some nice empathy for one another. You know, he was the driving force financially for years. And now it’s kind of like you’ve become the softer. Um Dad, that’s with the boys and the handle the time and moms out there. Kind of doing what he was doing, and we haven’t. We have a lot of understanding for each other because we both have done both sides of things. So yeah, it really has been a blessing and a gift to our family overall. 

Cameron Hemphill–   Wow. That is incredible, Diego Thanksgiving. Blessing. Wow. Yes. You got your little ones?  

Meadow Tarves   Thank you. Yes, it’s a powerful. It’s powerful. I went, I went change any of it,

Cameron Hemphillwill matter. I really appreciate your time. Thank you so much for sharing your success. I’ll try them off here but just so everybody knows. Thank you so much. Listen to Medical Millionaire again. This is camera Hemphill. If you found this content valuable please. Sheriff. Keep the conversation going. You know, there’s people out there right now that need to hear stuff like this. Additionally you can visit growth a to learn how they can assist you with your marketing, your coaching and your technology needs. And if you happen to be around the Boulder area, make sure to pay Meadow and her team for it.  

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