
#112: Conference Chronicles: Exploring The Power Of Networking



This is medical millionaire the podcast, helping your Med Spa increase in status, visibility and profitability. Join your host as he dispels myths, shares trends and gives you actionable steps today that will take your medical practice to the next level. Here’s your host, expert marketer and founder of growth 99 Cameron Hemphill,
Hey, what’s up, everybody? Cameron Hemphill, here your host for medical millionaire. Thank you so much for taking the time to tune into the podcast. Our goal is to give incredible value and insight into the medical esthetics market. So if you’re an injector, you’re in a wellness clinic, IV therapy, whether it’s invasive, non invasive, surgical cosmetics. This podcast is 100% designed for you, and we want to help you take your practice to the next level. So let’s get right into it. I was just at the American Med Spa conference. This conference happens once a year. They have boot camps throughout the year as well at different cities. They’re a little bit more intimate, if you will. But they have a large conference that they hold once a year in Las Vegas. It is a phenomenal conference. If you haven’t taken the opportunity to get into the conference world, I would encourage you to do so. And if you haven’t had the opportunity to go to this conference in particular, I would absolutely encourage you to do so. I’ve been going to their conference, am spas conference in Las Vegas. Before it was at the win, we were actually one of the first vendors to go to the conference back I think it was the ARIA, I’m pretty sure. And the conference has gotten so big they’ve had to migrate it to to the win. And it’s been really interesting to watch, right? And so as we look back at history, as we look back at when I got into the esthetic space, so much has changed. There is like it is a whole new world now, and it’s been really cool to just take the time and zoom out, because I know a lot of us get stuck in our practice operations. I get stuck in my business operations, right? And we just get stuck doing the same thing. And sometimes we can get complacent. We can get stuck doing the same thing over and over and over again and expect different results. One would look at that as insanity, because if you really analyze it, it actually isn’t saying, hey, let’s do the same thing over and over and expect new results, right? And when you’re growing your practice, this can happen, right? You wake up at the same time, maybe you get to the practice at the same time. You’re doing the same thing. You’re following up with your leads. You’re having someone call your leads, you have bookings. You’re learning about new treatments. You’re learning about new techniques. You hire someone, you fire someone like it’s really interesting when you get into the growth phase of your practice to where things can just happen and you stop innovating. And what I’ve learned as an entrepreneur and studying some of the most successful people on the planet is you have to take time to zoom out and work on innovation and constantly see areas for improvement. And if you don’t, then what will happen is, over time, it won’t happen overnight, but over time, you’ll become outdated. You won’t become or stay you know, the individual that has a practice that is on top of the latest techniques, the best innovation and cutting edge, if you will. And that’s a very attractive space to always be in, and it’s really hard to do so if you’re not thinking about it, right? Let’s look at some of these businesses over the years, whether it’s a technology business, or it’s a or it’s a practice, or maybe even like a or a car, a car manufacturer, right? Like some of these. Let’s look at the car manufacturers for a second, because I think we can analyze that one pretty, pretty on the same playing field. Let’s take, let’s take Ford, for example. Like, when you think of Ford, you think of, you think of Henry Ford, assembly line, old school, potentially. Like, I think their marketing has come a long way with with, obviously, the new Bronco and the new Raptor, right? I’m not a car guy by any means, but I think when you think of Ford, you have to really clearly think about innovation, or you just kind of think of the f1 50 Ford original pickup truck, right? You have to really think like, oh, actually, they have come a long way. They’ve done a decent job of innovating, but their marketing hasn’t really kept up with the history. Historical, like, anchored message that they’ve created. Now, on the other side of that, when you think of Tesla, you think of innovation. Tesla’s doing things that you know we would never thought about, like, all the way to the sounds of the car, like, anywhere from the funny sounds it makes to the to the tones and tunes it makes, like to make you just really think that you’re, you know, in a spaceship, if you will. I mean, look at the cyber truck they just came out with, like, ridiculously innovative, and that’s the company that they are. Because, you know, Elon has a great team around him where he has the ability to kind of pull out, zoom out, and think and think about innovation instead of think about, how are my engineers doing, and are they able to produce the amount of cars based upon the demand? Like, he has a team that is forecasting that analysis for him, right? And obviously, like, maybe it’s an extreme example when we’re comparing to Elon, but what I’m trying to convey is innovation. And as a practice owner, you really have to take the time to say, You know what? I’m going to leave the practice for a few days. I’m going to go to a conference where there is like minded individuals that I can connect with and that I can network with, and I can learn from. And am Spa has nailed it. They really have. I mean, you know, they have been in the conference Arena in this space for for many years, and they’ve learned a lot. And I got to give Alex and the team credit, like they have. I’ve watched them grow. I’ve grown with them, and it’s been interesting to see. You know, like walking through, I mean walking through the hall to all of the speaking engagements that are going on, whether it’s clinical related, business, related marketing, related, technology related, there is experts that get on the stage and they have conversations, and they share value on how to help you grow what tools they’ve used, what tools have worked, what tools have not worked, how they have done marketing that has worked, that has not worked. What EMRs are using CRM systems they’re using, like how they’ve built their websites. Are they using online booking? Are they not using online booking? And then all the way to the clinical side, like learning so much, from how one person operates a laser to how they do injectables to what techniques they’re actually using in order to stay innovative, right? And all these industry leaders, they come together for a weekend. These vendors come together for a weekend, practice owners, providers, practice managers, marketing coordinators. They all come together for a weekend, and they all connect. And it’s a tremendous amount of work. But if you come in with the right mindset, right and keep in mind, we’re going to Las Vegas, Nevada, so, you know, you have the tendency to get distracted, if you will, because there’s, you know, bright objects, shiny lights, you know, gambling going on and and other things that are taking place. But the message that I really want to get through today is, if you haven’t been to a conference, or maybe you used to go to them, and you haven’t been to one in quite some time, and you think, Oh, I went to a conference. I used to do that. I have conference fatigue and kind of, you know, check that off the box. Or, you know, another one would say, I don’t have time to go to a conference because I’m too busy, right? You really should reanalyze your current situation, and you should understand that the people that continuously network, continuously go to these conferences, and look, there’s a lot of conferences now, like there’s probably more than there should be, and you kind of have to do your diligence on which one is the, you know, right fit for you. Is it more of a unique setting, in the sense of where you can have intimacy? Is it a big conference, where can you get the most value in the shortest period of time?
And really, you know, look at everything that’s out there, and then spend the time to go. So, you know, if you, if you went to am spa, like, congratulations, because I had an absolute wonderful experience. I had the opportunity to meet with a tremendous amount of clients and really get into their minds of what’s working for them, what’s not working for them. What is their short term goal? What is their long term goal? How can we fine tune things to make sure that everything’s firing on all cylinders? And you know, on the other side of that is you have the opportunity to meet with a lot of vendors, and in some cases. Competitors, and have really great conversations with competitors to where, hey, you know what? We service the same industry, and we’re all trying to help each other. What’s worked for you? Here’s what’s worked for us. You know, that is a really interesting thing that I picked up as well. And then also where you have cross collateralization, in the sense of if someone has an EMR system, and you know, let’s say growth 99 has a CRM system, which ones are communicating and what data is important to pass through back and forth to provide for the practice owner.
Thank you for listening to medical millionaire. I wanted to take just a few short moments and tell you all about growth 99 University. Naturally, if you’re listening to medical millionaire, the success of your Med Spa is extremely important to you and as it should be. And if you’re listening to medical millionaire, you are obviously looking for the best, most effective ways to take your Med Spa to the next level in both profit and customer success, enter growth 99 University ranging from online education courses all the way to the full suite of marketing and web services. Growth, 99 has your Med Spa covered. No matter the challenges that you’re facing, we are ready and able to help you achieve your next level in business, profit and freedom to inquire about all of our support services and products. Please visit growth 90 and while you’re there, click the university link and check out the companion course to this very podcast. Back to the show, right.
And so there’s a tremendous like, there’s so many conversations that are taking place. And, you know, I’m just, I’m thankful for am spau, that they, they taken the time to put this on, you know, so really, the the takeaway that I want you guys to get into, and I always take the time to reflect after these conferences, because it’s a tremendous amount of work. In fact, if you can hear it, my voice, I’m recording this a few days after coming back, and I always feel just, I mean, I’m worn out, completely worn out. It’s a lot of work. And then you come back Sunday night, and you have to get back to work Monday, you know, and so, and you have to travel, and it’s a pain. But the takeaway is, for those of you that have not been to a conference, or for those of you that have been to a conference and you feel like you didn’t get the most out of it, go back to one and go in with the right mindset, like they’ll send out an agenda of when the times are for certain things, what events are taking place. Make your own itinerary. What is it that you want to get out of this conference. So if you’re a practice owner, or you’re an Office admin, and you’re listening to this and the conferences that you have coming up, have an itinerary for your team. Have a team meeting before you go in. Don’t just go in blindsided and not have a plan, because the conference will consume you versus you consuming the conference. You need to consume the conference, and you need to not let the conference take control of you, right? And so going like, what is the purpose of us going to this conference? What is our why from this? And what do we expect to get out of it? If it’s meeting with vendors, if it’s continuing education, if it’s networking, if it’s just having fun, whatever it is, like going with the right mindset. So when you come back to the practice, you can go back and reflect and say, You know what? That was worth the investment, because these conferences are expensive and you’re taking the time out of your day. Make it useful. I see all the time where people will go to these conferences, and they’ll completely waste their time, like just completely waste their time, and they think they’re just there to have fun, which I get it’s important to have fun. I totally get that, but it’s also your accountability and responsibility to have a game plan going into the conference and make sure you know you’re getting out of that conference. Okay?
So the other thing too is
if, again, you could use that same mapping mechanism if you’ve never been to a conference, right? If you’ve never been to a conference again, like, have a plan when you go in, so when you leave, you know exactly. You know what the impact was and what the result was. And if you were there and you happen to buy a laser, or you happen to sign up for some software or some marketing, or maybe a speaker’s continuous education, like, like intimate cadaver course, you know, or whatever it is, please take the time to implement it right. Please take the time to really implement it and then execute inform the team of why you signed up for that product and service, because you could go to these conferences even with the right mindset. The right game plan. Sign up for something. Come back home, you’re exhausted. It sound exciting at a time, and now you’re like, Oh, I signed up for this thing. It cost me a few $1,000 or whatever it is. It sounded great. I don’t know why we need it. We already have something that kind of does it. Sally’s upset that we that we subscribe to it, because she says, we don’t need it. I think we do need it. I mean, I hear these things all the time, so if you have the right game plan going in, that’s going to help avoid some of those things. But when you come out of the conference and you have signed up for something, right? Because, again, that’s the purpose. Is, like networking, understanding what’s working not working, listen to other people’s success stories learn from their failures there. That’s why they’re here. The people that are on stage, they have they have failed, they have learned, and they want to help you, and then take action on on what they’ve done, and not just take action in the sense of, oh, I sign up for XYZ marketing or XYZ software or XYZ so and so is training. And think that the fact that you signed up for it, you did something right? And I think that’s like, the big misconception is some people think that I signed up for it, and that’s where it stops, but that’s where it starts, right? So rolling this back, it starts with the right mindset going to the conference. When you’re there at the conference, you have to have the right mindset in order to know what you’re doing. And then if you do pull the trigger on something, that’s going to accelerate your practice, just because you exchange cash for a good that’s not where it stops. That’s where it starts. So let’s take an EMR example. Go to the conference with a minor ad set. You know, I’m not happy with my EMR. I’m going to look at other options, and I’m going to find an EMR that fits my needs, and I’m going to meet every single vendor that’s there, and that’s what I’m going to do. That’s my goal for the conference. And I’ll use technology analogies, because I’m in that space, right? So you find the EMR solution, it checks all the boxes. You sign up for it. You come back to the office, and you’re like, hey, we sign up for XYZ EMR company, and this is going to change your life, and that’s it. What you’re going to do is, in six months or a year from now, you’re going to be frustrated with that EMR system because you didn’t properly take the time to implement it. So again, if you sign up for something whenever it is, it doesn’t even have to be at a conference. Please take the time to implement it correctly. Have a strategy and execute on that, because I hear all the time where some practice owners think that EMRs do not accomplish certain things and features and benefits when they actually do. And you’ll go sign up for another EMR system, not understanding all the bells and whistles in your current system, then you have then you migrate to a new platform. And migrating to a new platform is painful. It’s expensive. There’s data that can be lost, there’s revenue that can be lost, there’s bookings that can be lost, like this. It’s a very vulnerable place to be in, right? And so do a full analysis. And then when you execute, and you’re like, Yeah, this is the reason we gotta go here, because XYZ and you are confident, and you’ve checked the boxes, you’ve done your diligence, then execute, sign up for it, and then go through every one of their webinars. Go through their onboarding super thoroughly. Read their Help Center, follow them socially. Sign up for their email list, because they’re going to be adding new features. They’re going to be coming up with new things. They’re going to be integrating with other tools, right? So tune yourself in. Connect with some of the people on LinkedIn, you know, send them messages, hey, so and so, so happy to sign up like, I can’t wait to get going. I’m not going to be that. You know that that customer that’s going to bug you to death, but just want to death, but just want to let you know. I just want to make a personal connection, like build off a rapport, let them know you’re you’re all in, you know, and get them excited that they also partner with you as well, right? So have the opportunity to really stand out and dive all in. And so then when you implement the solution, because it’s going to take you time, it’s going to be expensive, then you know, you’ve done it correctly. And then a year from then, after you’ve had it for a year, and you go to the next conference, you’re like, you know what? The last conference was great. We switched this and we rolled out this, and here was the impact. So now when we go to the conference, we are only gonna focus on this because these are certain areas of my practice that I know we need to improve on. And what you’ll find is, when all of these people in one verticalized area come together, you’re gonna find somebody there that coin that’s going to help you execute on a current situation or issue or gap that you have in your practice. It is like going to these conferences is a way to just supercharge and accelerate the gaps within your guys’s practice, solve problems, analyze situations, and just accelerate. So for those of you that think you’re too big. Busy to not go to conferences, or you have conference fatigue, or you haven’t been to some of the big conferences, I would encourage you to change your mindset, because every single time I go, I get something out of it, and it helps me understand the power of this esthetic community and how everybody is trying to level up to help one another, and there’s resources at your fingertips that are willing and able to help you. So that’s it, guys, thank you so much. I appreciate you all tuning in. I saw tons of our customers and clients at am spau, and I met a lot of new ones face to face. It was an honor, and I want to thank Alex and his team again at American Med Spa association for putting on such a wonderful conference there, and their team there, and their team, they’re fantastic to work with, and also the Wynn hotel. You guys are amazing. So thank you guys so much. Until next time, happy injecting you.


#112: Conference Chronicles: Exploring The Power Of Networking


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