
#120: The Ultimate Blueprint For MedSpa Website Treatment And Service Pages


Unlock the secrets to creating high-converting treatment and service pages for your med spa website in this essential episode of Medical Millionaire. Host Cameron Hemphill reveals the winning formula that separates thriving aesthetic practices from those struggling to attract clients online.


  • The critical elements every service page must include
  • How to structure your content for maximum impact and SEO benefits
  • The power of integrating video content and testimonials
  • Strategies for showcasing before-and-after results effectively

Cameron breaks down the step-by-step process of building a service page that not only informs but sells, emphasizing the importance of authentic content, strategic SEO, and user experience.


This is medical millionaire the podcast, helping your Med Spa increase in status, visibility and profitability. Join your host as he dispels myths, shares trends and gives you actionable steps today that will take your medical practice to the next level. Here’s your host, expert marketer and founder of growth 99 Cameron Hemphill,
Hey, what’s up, everybody? Cam Hemphill, here your host for medical millionaire. Hey guys, thank you so much for taking the time to tune into the podcast. Our goal is to give incredible value and insight into the esthetics market. So if you’re a practice owner, you’re gonna become a practice owner. You’re looking to scale your practice. This podcast and all these episodes that we create, they are 100% designed for you. We want to help you take your practice to the next level. So that being said, My team and I, we have worked with some of the top esthetics owners for years. We see ones that have absolutely figured it out. They’re growing year over year over year, and they have cracked the code. Apparently, we see other ones that are still trying to crack the code, and unfortunately, we have now seen some practices close their doors.
And so when you wrap all that up into one conversation, you got to ask yourself, What made these practices Excel, what made them grow so fast, so quickly, so easily, and why is it so challenging for others? Is it where they open their practice that made it hard or made it easy? Is it what they did in terms of financial steps and being more cautious for their profitability, their top line revenue, their bottom line revenue. Did they invest correctly? Did they open up in the wrong place? Did they open up in the right place? Did they do their market research? Did they not do their market research? Did they spend too much capital on expensive technology, equipment, laser machines? Did they not did they work in a different environment before they got into practice? Or did they go take a weekend course and all of a sudden become an injector on Monday? All of this stuff we have heard, right? And it’s interesting when you zoom out
and you really analyze the people that are winning in this industry
and the ones that are not, because it’s a true reality, unfortunately and of course, we want everybody to win and we want everybody to have success. That’s important, right? That’s why we’re entrepreneurs, that’s why we are owners. That’s why we do what we do. We want to help provide for our patients, our team members, our family and, most importantly, ourselves. One
of the things I want to get into today
is where I have seen
a small, Micro Set of wins in where practice owners have absolutely nailed it
This area is how they build out their website, treatment and service pages. I have seen 1000s of websites, 1000s of them. We’ve built 1000s of websites at a company that I own and been involved with. Typically don’t talk about on the show, but as you guys know, I am a founder of growth 99 which we help practices grow through websites, CRM, patient bookings, marketing automation, all sorts of fun technology, and we’ve deployed that
through over 1000 practices and a couple 1000 providers now use it. And so when we analyze of the practice owners that have done well and which ones have not done well, this is actually an area that kind of stuck out to me. I’m like, you know, I need to talk about it, because after I’ve seen so many websites and websites that have come to us that I’ve seen that are amazing, I’m like, I don’t know, like, this is a pretty good website. It’s pretty well structured or others. And I’m like, oh, yeah, you need some help.
There is a very strict criteria
that I see with winning patterns and what makes sense for websites and service and treatment pages that convert really, really, well, okay, and this goes for landing pages too. When I look at treatment pages and service pages, okay, you’re on your website, you go to treatments or services, whatever you want to call
it. This is where you showcase everything that you do to enhance confidence.
Yes, the end of the day, that’s what we’re doing. We’re selling confidence. We’re not selling, you know, skin treatments. We are not selling creams. We are not selling injections. We are not selling weight loss. We are selling feel good. Look good. Feel good. Look Good. Boost my confidence, please. That’s why I’m here, right? So the websites and service pages, and that’s where I’m gonna I’m gonna get into the service pages, particularly, and treatments. The best way to do it is the first thing you have to do is either get out like a Google Excel sheet
and map out all your services and treatments. Okay, so I don’t care if you’ve had your practice for years, or if you’re brand new, you’re thinking about getting in and you’re planning on going to like, 20, 3050, locations, or you’re planning on exiting wherever you’re at in this journey. This applies to you. So I want you guys to do this. There’s one thing it’s that like tuning into the podcast. Another one is like, I’m gonna read a book, but then, like, winners take action. So I
want you guys to take action of this. I want you to go to your services and treatment pages, or if you’re going to be designing a new site, or you’re getting into the space, I want you to create a Google Sheet, and I want you to put in every single treatment and service that you do,
and then next to that, what are the micro services and treatments that fall within that,
right? So you may do Botox for injections. Well, you could also have micro services around areas of the face, areas of the body, right? Of what those do? So all the different modalities, like all the and that goes with the laser treatments as well. And it goes with weight loss and wellness like this is it’s a decent project. When you start baking it out, okay? So you have the first high level hierarchy of the services that you offer. Then you have the micro services, and I’m still on the Google sheet here, okay, and then you have to go look at the content that you’re going to have for each single service needs to have content, and it needs to have unique content. If you guys are using just chat GPT and extracting content and going and putting it on your site, I’m telling you right now, Google is flagging plagiarized content left and right, and it’s going to hurt your SEO in the long run. So you may think it’s a quick fix, easy to use tool. Now it’s going to come back and bite you chat. GBT is a great tool to basically, kind of build a framework right now, right kind of build a framework and then build off of that framework. Google wants to see unique content that’s unique to your area. So when you’re building out the content associated with your service, the way that you need to do it, the way you need to analyze it, analyze it is you are offering a service in a particular area, okay? Because you want to have some SEO, local targeting behind it. You don’t just want to have the service or treatment around what you provide. You need to have what you provide, where you provide it, and what location or locations and where you provide it. So great example,
XYZ Med Spa
does Botox in Salt Lake City, Utah,
in Miami, Florida, in Los Angeles, whatever it is, okay?
And so that’s your, that’s your actual location, right? If you’re looking to target other locations, like other coverage areas outside your locations, that’s that’s a whole other conversation, which I’ll get into in future episodes, which it’s very warranted, and I will go there. But today I want to just talk about like the nav flow. Okay, so build out the content, unique content. And I want you guys to make sure that you have good character count. Should have good, enriched content. There’s lots of companies out there that are like, You should have 500 words on a page. The other companies are like, you should have 1000 words on a page. Good, enriched, quality content that is not plagiarized, that is enriched and is geared towards the consumer local search base. That’s what you want. And that could be 400 characters. It could be 2000 characters, right? It’s, it’s about creating good, enriched content that is on a single service page. Okay? The next thing you’re going to want to have, so now what I’m going to do is I want to guys, go to your vision for a second now that we’ve kind of mapped out the Google Sheet, the hierarchy service, the micro services, and like the content, basically, like the the heading of the content of what the service provides. Right now I’m going to go to the vision board for you for a second. So if you’re driving in your car, or you’re working out, or you’re walking or whatever you’re doing, just go vision with me for a second.
What I want you to do is, I want you to analyze pull up or even if you’re on your screen and you’re looking at your site, pull up your service page. You should have an image there of what the service is, of what it does.
If it’s a stock image, I’m fine with that. I’m.
I would prefer you update that at some point, and it should be an image of you doing the treatment of the location of a patient of yours, so you can really kind of just get more authentic and organic, right? And then as you scroll down further, you should have all the different micro services that that hierarchy service does Okay, all the different micro services that it does,
right? And then, as you scroll down further,
I want to make sure that you guys have really solid FAQs. FAQs are fantastic to reduce phone calls. They’re great for SEO. So if you don’t have any FAQs on your service pages, that’s another like, great area. Go back to the Google Sheet. Build out your FAQs. And I like to say, like, don’t have any less than 10. Okay, it’s gonna take you some some time to do this. Great time to do on the weekends. If you’ve tuned into my episodes previously, beat the sun up. Knock this stuff out, right?
So I like to have FAQs. FAQ should have also good and rich content. It should start with a question and then obviously lead with an answer. And then what you could do is you, once you have those FAQs, you can bake them into when people you know send emails. You can bake them into your follow up reminder appointments like, obviously you’re checking appointments, bring people back to your site, okay? And you can also have internal linking on your service pages. So if you want to have like, like, booking buttons throughout the entire service page is going to be important, okay? So now as we go down, we have the image, we have the content, the micro services, and then you guys have the FAQs.
Thank you for listening to medical millionaire. I wanted to take just a few short moments and tell you all about growth 99 University. Naturally, if you’re listening to medical millionaire, the success of your Med Spa is extremely important to you, and as it should be. And if you’re listening to medical millionaire, you are obviously looking for the best, most effective ways to take your Med spot to the next level in both profit and customer success. Enter growth 99 University ranging from online education courses all the way to the full suite of marketing and web services. Growth 99 has your Med Spa covered. No matter the challenges that you’re facing, we are ready and able to help you achieve your next level in business profit and freedom to inquire about all of our support services and products. Please visit growth 90
and while you’re there, click the university link and check out the companion course to this very podcast. Back to the show.
I’m also a huge fan, and I do not see people doing this enough, even like the very well known, experienced practices. I do not see this enough.
I really would love to see more service and treatment pages. Have a Video Explainer, video of what the service does. Okay? Film it on your phone, right? Like it’s you don’t have to go by a state of the art camera.
You can get to that point if you want to. But film it on your phone. Just make sure you have, like, you know, a nimble or something like that, so it’s stable. Have somebody film you doing the treatment or service on a patient. I think would be the best way to do it. You probably have to get some sort of consent with your patient, I would assume.
But that’s going to show you. Like introducing the service, what it does, and the also like explaining the downtime. So the benefits, the downtime. You can talk about costs, if you want to, but people love to watch video. And then, of course, you can grab that video, you can push that video out through content. You can push it out through text messages or emails like you can leverage the stuff that you create. And then I want you to push it to YouTube. And then when you have your YouTube, once you upload the video, upload it to YouTube, and then SEO the entire YouTube description, okay, should it be around the service and treatment that you do and where you perform it? And then the description should have a lot more enriched content, right? And just bake that thing out. And then you should have a call to action on the YouTube back to your website, okay, then go back to your website, and that video should be a YouTube video that they can push play on the video. And it doesn’t take them to YouTube unless they want to. They can play it right with inside the website.
Okay. Now, as you keep scrolling down,
I want to make sure, and this is another area I don’t see enough of before and afters, like very high resolution before and afters and results,
because then you have, and I was, I would love to see, like, at least five
on the service or treatment pages showing that before and after, where it’s a side by side comparison, because that’s what they’re buying. Guys, they’re buying the result. Okay, then if you keep scrolling down below that.
Up. The next area is, I want you to have testimonials.
Okay, testimonials, and there’s a really cool there’s tools out there
that you can suck testimonials directly from Google and just have like five stars. Since you own your website, you can display whatever reviews you want on your site, but you want them to be authentic and real. So you can suck them in from Google if you want to Facebook, Yelp, there’s other portals, but the biggest one that I want you to focus on is Google. And then as you suck those in, it will show you who gave the review. When the person’s on the site scrolling, they can click on it, it will take them to your GMB page. So it’s authentic and real. It’s not just a slap. Don testimonial that you copy and pasted. Bring that into the page.
Okay? Because now you what you’re showing is the credibility on the page, right? So let’s go back up. Get the image, get the content, get the microservices.
Then below that, you have the explainer video,
the FAQs, right, the FAQs, and then the explainer
video, okay, then you have the before and afters.
Then you have the authentic reviews,
okay, and then as you go down further, I don’t see people doing this enough, either. I’d love to see testimonial videos. Imagine how many people come to your practice a day, especially if you’re doing high volume, even if you’re doing low volume, the way that you capture these reviews, and the way that you capture these testimonials, and the way that you capture these explainer videos is having somebody on your team film and just embed it into your process consistently film, because the explainer video that you create today, you may not want in five years, right? You always want to be updating the content. And the cool part is, if you just keep capturing more video, more video, more video. You can use it for social you can use it for ads. You can use it for Facebook, Instagram ad campaigns. You can use it for all sorts of stuff. And then you can actually create a collage of everything, right? Like here, here’s an explainer video. Here’s 20 different explainer videos that we did on this service for 10 different patients. Like you can you can just the video content is not being captured enough in the right way. I see Instagram going towards just like 100% reels, which is a huge push from Tiktok, which is creating this big algorithm change, which is huge. But I think a lot of people are taking these videos and just pushing them out on IG and Tiktok. Bring them back to your site. Bring them back to YouTube. Use them for the sales process. Use them for the follow up process.
Okay, so, and I would love for you guys to have at least three right, and then when you bake out the videos, I mean, the patient introduces themselves, they like talk about the entire process
of that particular service and treatment. Hey, I came to XYZ practice like four months ago. Here was my initial concern. Here was my condition, here was the downtime, here was the result. Here’s who I am today. And you can kind of paint this story from their journey of less confidence to higher confidence, energy boost, right? And so you can kind of frame it that way. And this is the type of stuff that people just eat up and live. I mean, they just love it, right? So that’s, that’s the next area is the testimonial videos. And I also want you to push that back to YouTube, because then you can link it back to your site. Huge SEO. Please don’t forget, YouTube is owned by Google. It’s a massive search engine component that I just I don’t see enough of. In fact, I just see it always overlooked. I see Instagram just getting hammered and Tiktok getting hammered. It’s like I’m telling you, when you Google, when people are googling where they want to get a service or treatment done, in the area they want to get it done. This is what’s going to really help you guys on the SEO and then you could leverage all this stuff for ads down the road and still for your social channels, of course. Okay,
the final area below is the contact form. I want you to have everybody to have contact forms on the site, and that should be like first name, last name, last name, phone number, email, right? Basic form is fine. If you want to get granular, that’s fine. But I like simplistic forms, because people don’t like to fill out information
and on that form, when they hit the button of submit, that really needs to go to a CRM like that is critical. It cannot go to somebody’s email where you lose, you know, the whole
follow up and follow through process on that email. Imagine if somebody fills out that form and it goes to an email your front desk and like no one checks that email for a couple days, that could be a $2,000 treatment. Lost client. If you don’t get back to clients within a certain period of time, chances of you closing those deals go down dramatically.
So really want to focus on that, making sure that stuff hits the CRM system, the CRM system and then should fire off automation. I want it to at least hit a text message and an email within the first 30 seconds of submission.
So that means that they they know someone’s home, right? They have received contact information back. It’s very important. In fact, study out there shows that if you don’t get back to leads within five minutes, I think there’s even studies out there within two minutes, the chances of closing that deal drops by 80%
especially in this fast pace environment like we are, just in a world nowadays where we want gratification now and we’re getting sidetracked. So I could be interested in getting a service and treatment done and on your page, and then also my phone rings, or my text goes off, or I’m addicted to my phone. I just sort of scrolling on, you know, Instagram while I’m looking at the website, or, like my boss interrupts me, or whatever it is, like I’m telling you, got to be fast on this stuff. Okay, so that’s how you build out the most effective treatment and service page from a navigational standpoint, because what you’re doing on that page. And you can apply this again, I said this earlier, but you can apply this to landing pages. And landing pages are awesome because they can basically just be targeted for one treatment and service campaign where you’re pushing out Facebook ads or Google ads, and I see those just not built out correctly all the time. But when this is just I can’t express how important this is, because what you guys are doing is you are now painting the picture for the consumer to get all the information they need, right? So if you go back up, be like, Okay, here’s the treatment, here’s the service, here’s the testimonials, here’s the video testimonials, here’s the reviews on Google. Okay, here’s here’s the process of the treatment. Is it gonna hurt? Is it gonna not hurt, right? That’s also a question. Is it gonna actually do the job,
right? Like it has everything there that builds up credibility, shows that you’re the right service provider. And so the page just sells itself like people are becoming more educated. We don’t like to be sold as much anymore. We really just like to be informed. So now, when they book, they’re ready to go, right or, let’s say, like they’re a first time patient or customer, and they’re kind of on the fence. I mean, imagine just firing this link. Hey, check out this link. It’s got everything you need to know, right? It’s got the reviews, it’s got testimonials, it’s got the explainer page, it’s got the narrative, it’s got the FAQs. It’s got the booking buttons on there. I mean, it’s, it’s, it’s how you bake out a very powerful service and treatment page, and I can tell you, I, before I recorded this, I did a quick analysis on 20 different domains, and I went into their services, and I’m able to see how their SEO is ranking, and I’m able to see how their leads are ranking, like, how many leads have come in through the funnel,
on the top of the funnel, and what I’m seeing is the ones that have it baked out this way. And I actually I’ve only saw like, out of that study, I actually only saw three that had everything I’ve talked about, and they’re doing fantastic. But some of these cohorts that I pulled, or practices that I know are new, we’re not performing ones that are performing very well, right? And so the analysis basically came back and said, of this cohort of group individuals, analysis that I did, the ones that have those treatments and service pages built out this way, are the ones that are producing more bookings. Okay, so I hope you guys got a tremendous amount of value out of this episode today. I went pretty deep on treatments and service pages.
Guys, thank you so much for tuning in. My only ask, my only ask is to please share the content. There is other practice owners in our community that need to hear stuff like this, right? We are a community. We are a network. We are all trying to contribute to level people up and assist. So if you found this valuable, if there’s somebody that you know that’s not in your market or in your market, or a friend, or whatever, thinking about getting in this space, please just share it. That’s my biggest ask. Please share it. Alright, guys, I’ll leave it at that Happy Friday. Have a wonderful weekend until next time. Happy injecting you.


#120: The Ultimate Blueprint For MedSpa Website Treatment And Service Pages


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