
#3: Become A Time Management Hustler As A Med Spa Owner or Practitioner


In this game-changing episode of Medical Millionaire, host Cameron Hemphill dives deep into the critical importance of time management for med spa owners and practitioners. Learn how becoming a “time management hustler” can transform your practice, boost productivity, and create a harmonious work-life balance. Episode Highlights:

  • Discover the power of weekly and daily planning for med spa owners
  • Learn the art of time blocking to maximize productivity and focus
  • Explore strategies for balancing business growth with personal life
  • Understand how effective time management can lead to increased profitability
  • Gain insights on incorporating family time and self-care into your busy schedule

Cameron shares invaluable tips and techniques, including the Franklin Covey method, to help you take control of your time and elevate your med spa business. He emphasizes the importance of treating time as your most valuable asset and provides actionable steps to implement these strategies immediately. Whether you’re a seasoned med spa owner looking to optimize your operations or a newcomer to the aesthetics industry, this episode offers practical advice to help you achieve your business and personal goals.


Hey everybody, hope you’re doing well. My name is Cameron Hemphill, your host of Medical Millionaire.

First off, I want to thank you for listening to our podcast. Our goal is to give value insight to the medical spa space, really, hopefully help educate you and move the needle and give you value to help scale and grow your medical spa to profits that you’re ultimately looking to reach.

My team, and I mean, we’ve consulted medical spa owners all over the country for years, and we see businesses that are absolutely crushing it. We see ones that need help, and we see ones that have a lot of potential, that are on the rise. And so as we kind of go through this path with all of our clients, we see things from a different perspective, right?

We see folks that have amazing processes. We see folks that leverage technology. We see ones that do really well on social media, and we also see ones that are still using paper charts and don’t even have a website, and ones that have no idea what Google My Business is for, localized, robust map search. So it’s interesting on being a consultant, vendor and provider for this space, on just being like a third party from the outside looking in, and so in this journey together, you know, we want to help you take your practice to the next level.

In this episode, we’re going to talk about time management and how important time management can be, and how it’s really impacted growth 99 as a organization. That’s, as you guys know, that’s, that’s a company that I own, and a managing director of in that company services medical spas all over the all over the country, but it’s a time management is something that has helped me. Prior to being a CEO at Growth99 and a managing director, it’s something that has really positioned me to really move the needle in terms of, how do you manage your time effectively, so you’re the most productive that you possibly can be, right?

So we only have, you know, 24 hours in a day, a big chunk of that time is going to be, you know, sleeping right? A big chunk of that time is going to be completely outside of the offices. And so how do you manage your time effectively? And we see medical spas and practices and doctors that do a fantastic job of it, and some that that do not do do a great job of it. And so hopefully you guys get some great insight from this when it comes to time management, like I would love for you to get great value out of this and become what I call as a time management hustler, and something that I have learned from from my readings.

I don’t know if anybody has heard of Franklin Covey, Franklin Covey has some fantastic training resources in online methodology that really kind of gets into to effective time management and weekly planning and daily planning. Okay, so first and foremost, let’s talk about how you can implement time management and more importantly, like why it’s so important.

Okay, so hopefully by now, everybody at least has a calendar, whether it’s a planner or on their phone. Maybe you’re using Google Calendar, Outlook, 365, maybe you’re using iCloud, whatever it is. Maybe it’s a technology, you know, paper, whatever it is, but there’s some structure of organization, okay? And so it’s, it’s important that you conduct some sort of weekly Game Plan, and I think it’s best to do it on Sunday evenings when things are kind of calm and you’re just gearing up for the week, right?

So if you can just take the time out to do some weekly planning now, now, what does weekly planning look like, right? So it can be broken down into hours. So if you’re looking at a Sunday night, how does your Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday look right? And I know a lot of folks that I talk with actually have Mondays off, and maybe Monday is a better time for you to do your your weekly planning and supercharge activity roadmap. But what I can say is, if you take.

Take the time to do your weekly planning if you’re going to be extremely productive. And what I mean by that is maybe from your this is time blocking, okay, this is time blocking. 101, so from 9am to 10am maybe you’re doing charting, from 10am to 11am maybe you’re doing social media from 11am to 12pm maybe you were doing something to do with SEO, or something to do with recruiting, or something to do with learning a new skill set, or something within your your services or your trade and technique, right?

And so what happens is, if you don’t time block, and if you don’t do your weekly planning, people are just going to take your time from you. Time is, is the most valuable asset we have Period End of story, and it’s it’s up to you to control your time, okay? And so by time blocking, it puts you in a position to be accountable and dedicated to the time slot that and the activity that you’ve devoted to that time, right?

So if you are doing an activity that is on your calendar from 9am to 10am that is the only activity that you should be doing, okay? So then you’re zero in your present, you’re focused, and you don’t have any interruption, okay? And so that that that means you’re not, you know, checking email, you’re not scrolling through social media, you’re not doing things that are getting inside of that activity. Okay, so if you can train your mind to time block and and really dedicate, yeah, I mean, you could do 15 minute increments, half hour increments, hour increments, whatever is most advantageous to you to help make you most productive.

Because if you track your time, let’s say you don’t, and maybe even, you know, try this activity if you don’t time block and don’t manage your time effectively. And then if you look back, like a week in the past and see where did you spend time, you will find just dead wasted hours, where those hours could be used to increase proficiencies in your business, they could be used as time to spend with your family, maybe with your loved ones, maybe, you know, like planning a trip or something like that.

So time is just so important, and I think it just goes by the waistline of how much time becomes wasted when you break it down into minutes and seconds and and over the course of 10 to 15 years. Fact, I read a study recently that shows that people that don’t have a roadmap for when they go into the grocery store, like if they don’t have a list the over the course of their life, it was, it was shown to they spend an extra I want to say it was like two months of just mindless walking around the store like that’s, that’s a lot of time, right? And time is valuable. So time blocking extremely important.

Dedicate yourself to those activities. For me, specifically, I use Google Calendar. I’ve used that tool for a long time, the professional and business version G Suite. It integrates really nicely into into the mobile device, and that way I know exactly where everything is at, and I really try to dedicate myself to what I’m doing at that time. So if it’s a lead, follow up from from, you know, 10am to 11am that’s the activity that’s taken place. If it’s doing this podcast, that’s the activity that’s taken place, right? So the other thing is, I would encourage you to do some daily planning every day as well.

And Franklin Covey kind of gets into this, and he has an entire topic on time management and take a note. Franklin Covey time management, Google it. He’s got more on this topic than than I do, and a lot more data points and education around it, but I’ve basically taken his his methodologies at a high level and implemented them into my life, and it’s made a world of difference. And so when it comes to daily planning. Okay?

So before you you start your day, and this kind of rolls into the last episode where I was talking about the million dollar morning routine, you know, you this could then position right into this where you needed to your your daily effective planning. And that’s just kind of going through the review like I did my weekly planning. I you know, my weeding, my meetings that I have to be on the patients I have to visit, and then what I have to do in the office, outside the office, and don’t just look at your calendar.

Thank you for listening to Medical Millionaire. I wanted to take just a few short moments and tell you all about Growth99 University naturally, if you’re listening to Medical Millionaire, the success of your Med Spa is extremely important to you, and as it should be.

And if you’re listening to Medical Millionaire, you are obviously looking for the best, most effective ways to take your Med Spa to the next level in both profit and customer success.

Enter Growth99 University, ranging from online education courses all the way to the full suite of marketing and web services. Growth99 has your Med Spa covered. No matter the challenges that you’re facing, we are ready and able to help you achieve your next level in business profit and freedom to inquire about all of our support services and products. Please visit growth 90 and while you’re there, click the university link and check out the companion course to this very podcast. Back to the show.

Just look at your calendar as a as a placement for work, right? I would hope that you plan your calendar around family activities as well. So if you have a kids soccer game, or if you have date night or one on one time with your kids, put the put it on the calendar, and then just make sure you you work your calendar and work your day and work your plan, and then review those activities daily, so you can kind of pivot and make adjustments where it needs be, right?

So I have so many friends of mine and colleagues family members that say, how do you get so much done? Like, I don’t understand it. We How do you get so much done? Of course, by now you should know I get up super early and I enjoy what I do, and I enjoy the career I have, but the reason why I’m able to get so much done is simply for time blocking. And, you know, as a I say, as a business owner, I guess, as a podcast host, as a husband, as a father, is, you know, we all have these multiple roles, and those roles encompass time, and if we lack in one area and service in the others, then somewhere there’s like, the anxiety that kicks in, right?

It’s like, okay, I worked all day, but I didn’t spend time with my family, or I, I spent all this time with my family, but I didn’t spend any time on my business. So there’s, there’s always the the entrepreneur anxiety that kicks in when you feel like you’re just you’re not giving your best, and that’s definitely something that can take place. But if, if you really effectively manage your time appropriately, then this is going to really help make sure that you get everything accomplished, and you have that good feeling when you go home and when you wake up, because you’re organized, you’re structured, you know what you’re supposed to be doing.

So I’m a huge fan of time management. We have an entire course on it at Growth99 University. I would encourage you guys to go through that. And it’s just it’s made a world of difference in my life. And then I’ve also been in a lot of entrepreneurial groups and ask the, you know, some of the same industry leaders and some of the thought leaders out there that you know, how they effectively manage their time, and a lot of it is along the same the same methodology, which is great to know that some of the great are doing the same thing and and that’s how they do it.

So please be sure, when you’re doing your your daily and weekly planning encompass everything into your life. This isn’t all about work. In fact, I’ll give you a quick little hack. I have a reoccurring event on my calendar on the first of every month, and that’s it’s reoccurring event. It’s on my personal calendar, and it’s a 15 minute time block between my wife and I, and what we do is we plan out our one to ones.

We have two daughters, right? Jane and Violet. Love them to death. They’re amazing. They literally just put the huge smile and glow on my face. But it’s important for me as a father, I spend time with them, and I want to spend time with them one on one, like we do a lot of family stuff, but it’s important to have that one on one time, so we make sure that our girls, we actually plan and put on our calendar on when we do one on one time. And wife takes one girl, and I take another girl, and we just go do a quick activity.

That activity could be a walk. It could be a talk. It could be like playing go fish. It could be going to, you know, some sort of dinner, or the park, whatever it is, right? It’s just, it’s just that time. But I found, if it’s not on the calendar, it doesn’t exist. It doesn’t happen. Same thing with your date nights, with with your wife, so or your spouse, right?

So make sure that those are on the calendar as well, because you want those activities to take place. And so I’ve just found if you can look at your roles and identify your roles and then assign your duties to those that are time blocked, it’s really going to help you make sure that you give the appropriate time to each role and activity that you that you carry on your back. I can tell you really quickly that if not committing to something like this, if in the event that you do not time block, the event you don’t do your weekly planning or your daily planning, you’re going to be running around in pure chaos like there’s no structure.

You feel like you were really busy, but really nothing happened, right? You feel busy, but nothing actually moved the needle to the next level. And you’ll find that you’re kind of falling in a pattern where you’re not becoming the next best version of yourself. Maybe you’re not attributing to a new skill set. Maybe you’re not attributing the time to your family or your business that that needs be. You know, early on in my career, I did not time block and do weekly planning and daily planning until I understood the methodology behind what Franklin Covey was trying to say.

But you just kind of lost and running around like with your head cut off, right? There’s a million things going on. You’re getting pulled in all these different directions, and you’re trying to get everything solved in like one hour, which is just completely unproductive. And you know, that’s, that’s, I see a lot of that going on in the space, actually, because this industry is exploding with growth, and you’re hiring staff, you’re getting new equipment.

There’s new trends coming in, like marketing is changing, technology is changing, techniques are changing, right? There’s a lot of consulting and training and a tremendous amount of group in multiple directions, without increasing the actual organization structure and proficiency in the business. That’s what I wanted to share today. So I hope that you guys get great takeaways from this weekly planning, daily planning, time blocking. Time is the most valuable asset you have. Remember that attribute, that time block blocking to all the different roles that you have in your life.

And please do me a favor if, if you enjoy this podcast, I really appreciate you listening again. This is for you. This is just trying to share the feedback and what we see in the space and how we can really help move the needle for you, please go into iTunes, leave us a five star rating and review. Additionally, you can visit to learn how we can assist you with your marketing coaching technology needs until next time happy, injecting you.


#3: Become A Time Management Hustler As A Med Spa Owner or Practitioner


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