
#46: Your Mindset Is Your Success


Cameron Hemphill, host of the “Medical Millionaire” podcast, discusses the importance of mindset in achieving success in the medical spa industry. He emphasizes the need to eliminate toxic influences, maintain a positive outlook, and focus on long-term goals. Hemphill advises waking up early, avoiding social media and email first thing in the morning, and engaging in activities that foster a successful mindset. He also stresses the importance of consistency, gratitude, and visualization in achieving one’s goals.


This is medical millionaire the podcast, helping your Med Spa increase in status, visibility and profitability. Join your host as he dispels myths, shares trends and gives you actionable steps today that will take your medical practice to the next level. Here’s your host, expert marketer and founder of growth 99 Cameron Hemphill,
Hey everybody. Happy Thursday. Hopefully everybody’s had a wonderful week so far. My name is Cameron Hemphill, your host for medical millionaire. First off, thank you so much for taking the time to tune into our podcast. Our goal is to give incredible value and insight into the medical spa market. So if you’re an injector, you own a medical esthetics practice, you’re in the cosmetic space, or you’re looking to open a practice, you’re looking to go from one location to two, to multi to franchise, to whatever you’re looking to do. This podcast is for you. So every single episode, we talk about mindset. We talk about digital marketing, we talk about finance, we talk about business, we talk about how to grow your practice, how to get into the correct mindset on a personal level, family level, business level, health level, everything to really help you achieve and that’s what we want to help, right? And so when it comes to to us really talking to medical spa owners around the country and even outside the country. At this point in time, we hear a tremendous amount of things. And we talk to a lot of practice owners that are having major success, going from one location to two, outgrowing their second location. You know, it’s interesting to see. And then we see other folks that are wanting to get into this space. We see folks that are struggling in this space. And so we hear it from every angle. And so it’s really cool that we can incubate that internally, talk about it, project it, and put it on a valuable content resource for you that you can listen to, whether you’re at the gym, you’re on a walk, you’re in the car, whatever you’re doing. And so what I want to get into today is something that means a lot to me and something that has helped me over my career, on a personal level, business level, family level, health level, really, every single one of those pillars that make you of who you are, and it’s really is about mindset and how your mindset is your success, right? If you start your day with bad energy, if there is some bad energy going on in your life, or there is some some sort of toxic influence that’s taking place in your life, whether that’s from an employee, it’s from a relationship, it’s from an historical like boss or whatever the case is, you need to really take a step back, reflect and get rid of the toxic environment in your life, right? So whatever it is, if there is toxic relationships, make sure to take a time and say, You know what, this is my life. I got to get my mindset right. And if your mindset is immediately in default starting your day, it’s going to be extremely hard to have a positive day and a positive outlook, right? So it’s extremely important to make sure when you guys wake up, you have the right mindset, and that that takes a long time to achieve, right? There’s lots of books and there’s lots of podcasts, and there’s lots of audio and video out there and social media on how to get you in a good state of mind and get your mindset right. And one of the things that’s really helped me is thinking long term and thinking big picture, because you can start out having a positive day and then all sudden you get a bad email or a bad text message or a bad phone call, and that could just completely throw you out of the loop, right? And so you really have to focus on long term. What is the big picture? Nobody’s going to get in my way and take accountability for what’s most important to your guys’s life. And so there’s, there’s always a war going on in your mind, right? I mean, there’s so many thoughts that go throughout the human brain while you’re sleeping, you know, throughout the morning, throughout the afternoon, in the evening, and you wear multiple hats. You’re a practice owner. You’re thinking about opening up a practice. You’re a husband, your wife, your spouse. I mean, whatever it is, you have a relationship, you have kids, you have employees, you have a boss, like there. You wear multiple hats, and every one of those hats has its own mindset within that environment, right? And so how do you control everything that’s going on. It’s it’s really controlled chaos, if you analyze every single minute, 10 minute increment or hour throughout your entire day, right? And so what’s going to be important is really gearing up to have a successful mindset. And there’s a few things that have helped me over over my life, and I already talked about, one is get the toxic out of your life, like remove people. And that can be hard, right? That can be some of these people may be close to you, you know, but if they’re pulling you away from your dream and what you really want, it’s time to take action. Okay? Another thing is to start. Reading and following people that have had success. If that’s what you want, you have to study people that have had success. You have to study wealth. You have to study people that have achieved you have to see how they’ve done it. I mean, they’ve wrote books on it. People have wrote books on them, on how they’ve done it, right? So if there’s someone out there that you admire, an entrepreneur or a practice owner, follow them on social media, read what they have to say, read their ebooks, listen to their podcasts, right? Because they’re trying, like the people that have achieved, they get to a certain point in their life that they feel obligated to give back, and a lot of them give back through writing books and through audio and video and courses and all that stuff, because they they want to help people get to that level. Because it’s not easy. It’s very easy to be lazy, it’s very easy to say yes to everything. It’s very easy to sleep in it’s very easy to overeat. It’s very easy to not work out, right? It’s easy to live a life without purpose. And the people that really take accountability and want to live their life with purpose, a lot of it starts within the mind and training your mind for success, okay? And a lot of the systems that I’ve incorporated into my life. And it’s funny, I talk about systems because I’m a tech guy, and how to implement processes into your business and practice. But there’s also systems that I think are very important, that you have to live by outside of those environments. And it’s about discipline, right? Waking up at a certain time, beating the sun up, being up before other people, especially if you live in a Pacific Time Zone. You know, at 4am your time, it’s 7am on the East Coast. I mean, there’s a three hour time difference. If you’re waking up at 7am on the Pacific Time, it’s 10am east coast, they’re already making decisions while you’re sleeping. Right? The stock market has been open, and you’re sleeping like you have to beat the sun up and you have to be disciplined. So I’m a big fan of waking up early and taking action. The other thing is, when you when you wake up early, it’s going to change your life and change who you are, and you will be blown away on how much you can get done before the sun comes up and before anybody starts interrupting your day, and this is a perfect time to create a successful mindset. Okay, I would encourage you to stay out of your email right when you wake up. Stay out of social media right when you wake up, because, again, those are outside influences that can disrupt you getting prepared for your day. Okay, I’ve talked about this in some of my previous podcasts, but it’s it’s training your mind and then creating the repetition and creating the accountability and the discipline to live through that day by day by day, by day by day.
Thank you for listening to medical millionaire. I wanted to take just a few short moments and tell you all about growth 99 University naturally, if you’re listening to medical millionaire, the success of your Med Spa is extremely important to you, and as it should be. And if you’re listening to medical millionaire, you are obviously looking for the best, most effective ways to take your Med Spa to the next level in both profit and customer success, enter growth 99 University ranging from online education courses all the way to the full suite of marketing and web services. Growth. 99 has your Med Spa covered. No matter the challenges that you’re facing, we are ready and able to help you achieve your next level in business, profit and freedom. To inquire about all of our support services and products, please visit growth 90 and while you’re there, click the university link and check out the companion course to this very podcast. Back to the show.
A great example for you is you can go to the gym and you’re not going to see results. You can go to the gym. Day two, you’re not going to see results. Go to the gym. Day three, you’re not going to see results. Go to the gym. Day four, you’re not going to see results. You go to the gym. 365 days in a row, you’re going to see results. It’s about the consistency. The consistency over time is what separates winners from losers. And I would argue that until I’m blue in the face, because I have seen it, I’ve studied it, and I’m walking it okay. And so early on in my life, I had terrible discipline, terrible accountability, and there was a lot of toxic relationships within my life. And since I’ve started studying individual wealth, finance, business, starting, businesses, failing and learning and overcoming those challenges, it’s got me to a point where. Feel like, hey, you know what? There’s a lot that I can offer, and I want to give value to the people that take the time to tune into our podcast. And so I’m very thankful that the people that listen to this stuff and then take action. It really puts a huge smile on my face. So what I want to get into next is, when you wake up, it’s really important to also go through your goals, write your goals, read your goals, go over them within your mind. Read them every single day. You can read them before you go to bed. You can read them when you wake up. I personally read them every single day. When I wake up, I have a specific routine I go through nobody can interrupt it. My whole entire family is sleeping. It’s very, very early in the morning, it’s very dark, and I go through my goals. And sometimes I will, I will check goals off the list. Other times, I’ll add more to my goals. And then I know exactly, like, what my action activities are to achieve those goals, and I know what my big goals are. Okay, so you have goals, you have to have action that’s going to hit those goals. And then you have to have big goals, long term goals, and these goals, they should scare the shit out of you, right? Your goal is should be so big that they’re scary, because then, if you follow, fall short, you at least you achieve the smaller level goal, right? So I’ve also learned that from a lot of the big influencers and very successful entrepreneurs is all of them have very, very big goals that scare them. Okay? And it’s okay. It’s part of getting yourself being uncomfortable, so that you can grow and get comfortable again, okay? And look back and make like, wow, that was my goal. I can’t believe that was my goal, that was I’m way past that goal now, right? That’s part of growing, okay. Another thing that I think is extremely important is to to go on a gratitude walk, reflect you. You are alive like you woke up today. That’s awesome. There is somebody that is in the hospital and is struggling to stay alive. You are alive. You’re breathing like you’ve already won for the day. Okay? I think it’s important, because then it really puts a smile on your face, and it puts you in a position to have positive energy. Okay, review on the the previous day’s wins. What did you win during your your business day, maybe a financial health Did you work out? Did you eat healthy? Did you spend time with your family? You know, quality time those types of things, right? Reflect on those. I’ll go on a walk by myself. It’s, it’s, it’s cold right now, it’s winter in Utah. That’s where we’re currently at. And and I can just reflect, I look at the neighborhood, and just just really embrace how thankful I am, you know, for one to have a home and for two to even be able to to heat that home for my two little kids, right? And have the ability for them to sleep in beds. A lot of kids don’t have that ability. A lot of kids go go to sleep hungry, right? So, so pretty blessed when it comes to that. And it’s nice to kind of focus on the simple things, because you can realize, you know, how truly blessed you are. And that creates a really good environment for positive mindset after that. I think it’s really important to go through visuals. Okay, there’s a book out there that I read every single year, and this year I’ve actually read it twice. It’s called the wealthy gardener, one of my favorite books of all time. I would encourage you guys to read it. It’s fantastic. And he talks about visuals and visuals of really doing meditation, of what your goals are, and thinking about where you will be from, all your impact activities, like where you want to be, and why do you want to be there, right? So what I will do is I will, I will have my visuals on what I want out of life, not material things. Material things are great, right? Those are great. But what’s for me, what’s most important to me, is freedom. And so what is going to get me to the point of freedom, and how can I what that looks like, my family life, my marriage and really like what’s most important is, is where why we are doing what we’re doing, and I have seen over the years that a lot of these visuals end up coming to reality, right? People have written books about it sounds kind of corny and quirky. Do it over a period of time and see what happens. Okay? The other things is, when you’re doing these visuals, don’t just talk about, you know, think about business and where you want to be. I mean, embrace each one of your family members. Each one single out your children, focus on them. Okay, so I have two daughters. I’ll zero them out, and I will focus on one of them, and I say, you will be successful, you will be healthy. I love you. You love me. You’re confident, you’re strong, you’re beautiful. You will achieve stuff like that, you know. And I almost like project it into their environment from me, and I’ve seen it come back. I do the same thing with each one of my family members, and not only does it make you feel good, but at the same time you’re putting that positive energy out there, and positive energy sticks, okay? If you’re just putting negative stuff out there, there’s studies that show if you think negative and put negativity out there, it actually can make you sick, it can cause disease, right? So if you’re putting a lot of positive stuff out there, and you’re reinforcing that, it really can put you in a spot to see things that I thought were never possible, thought were corny, and then actually make it become a reality. So again, coming back to your mindset, is your success, okay? And then from there, you can hit the ground running, right, or you can go ahead to the gym, or go outside and go on a jog, or whatever it is. So visuals, goal setting, gratitude, healthy habits, right? Healthy Habits is what separates people and healthy discipline from creating prosperity. Okay? So again, coming back on on why mindset is your success. I hope you guys got a lot out of this. I mean, I could go on for hours, but the purpose of this podcast, and these in these episodes, is really to get to the point, get to it quick, and so you guys can basically pick up these golden nuggets and embrace them. Please share them. If you find this content valuable, let’s share it. Let’s keep the conversation going. We love reviews. We love to talk to people. We go to a lot of the medical esthetic shows. There’s the boot camp coming up here in Salt Lake City by am spau. We will be there. I will be on stage speaking at that Shelby Miller will also be there from room esthetics. And then we also have committed to esthetic next so we will be in Dallas coming up. And we did commit to the amspa Show in Las Vegas for next year already. So those are the shows that we have coming up. And if you guys need any help, you know coaching, consulting, technology, you guys know what growth 99 does if you don’t go to growth 90 We’d love to assist you with your technology needs, your marketing needs, until next time happy, injecting you.


#46: Your Mindset Is Your Success


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