Cameron Hemphill, host of the “Medical Millionaire” podcast, emphasizes the importance of having “presence with intention” in the medical spa industry. He discusses the challenges of staying focused amidst distractions like phones and interruptions, advocating for time blocking and removing distractions to enhance productivity. Hemphill highlights the significance of setting clear goals, such as achieving $5 million in annual revenue, and breaking them down into manageable tasks. He stresses the need for intentionality in all tasks, whether it’s client service, social media, or business operations. Hemphill concludes by encouraging listeners to focus on their unique journey and goals, emphasizing the power of consistent effort and early morning routines.
This is medical millionaire the podcast, helping your Med Spa increase in status, visibility and profitability. Join your host as he dispels myths, shares trends and gives you actionable steps today that will take your medical practice to the next level. Here’s your host, expert marketer and founder of growth 99 Cameron
Hey, what’s up, everybody? Cameron Hemphill, here your host for medical millionaire. Hey, first off, thank you so much for taking the time to tune into our podcast. Our goal is to give incredible value and insight into the medical spa market. So if you’re an injector, you’re in the cosmetic space, you own a dermatology practice this podcast, it’s designed specifically for you. We want to help you take your practice to the next level. My team and I, we’ve consulted with medical spa owners and practice owners all over the country, for years, we’ve seen businesses that are absolutely thriving and was any serious help. So in this journey together, we want to help you take your practice to the next level. And in this episode, I want to talk about something that is extremely important, and something that I really want you guys to take away is really the importance to having presence attention, having attention with intention, right? And what do I mean by that? This actually came up in a company meeting that we had the other day, was talking about how to have complete attention to something, right? And it came up in in a company meeting, in the sense that this was a management meeting, in the sense of, okay, we can get us distracted. It’s very easy for us to get distracted, like your phone is constantly going off. People are calling you. You know, your kids may interrupt you, your family may interrupt you, an employee may interrupt you, and a client could interrupt you, like we are constantly under pressure of actually being interrupted. As much as we try to own our time, as much as we try to measure our time and our accountability, it’s extremely challenging to have ultimate presence without interruption. Social media goes off. Your phone has the notifications like emails are flying in left and write text messages, news alerts, updates, all this stuff, right? Even if you look at your phone and you’re trying to have like you’re not scrolling or anything, your phone can interrupt you, right? So a lot of times, like best practices, what I’ll do is, actually, I’ll turn my phone over on its face, or even remove it from the room, if I’m trying to have complete attention to something. Okay? So when you have a meeting, if you’re trying to conduct something, or if you time block, right, if you’ve all turned into my episodes historically, you know, I’m a huge fan of time blocking, right? Time blocking the ability to actually do your weekly planning and daily planning. So you control your time. You control your outcome at the end of the day, time is the most important, valuable asset we have on planet Earth, period, end of story, right? Once these seconds and minutes go by, you’re never going to get it back, right? So it’s extremely important that we understand what we’re trying to achieve, and that is to have complete presence of what your objective is at that day and time. Okay, so if you have taken the time to time block, and your time block has to do with, Hey, I’m gonna do this on Tuesday between one and 2pm if it’s something that you have to get done, whether it’s a presentation, or you’re writing like a policies and procedure thing, or you’re doing social media or whatever it is, if it’s where you’re working on your practice, versus like in your practice seeing patients all day. If it’s something that you are going to get done, you need to have complete attention to that activity, and that activity is something that’s extremely important, or else it wouldn’t have went on your calendar and to be done on a specific day and time. So if you find yourself getting distracted during these certain activities, and you’re like, checking email when you’re supposed to be doing something else, you’re finding yourself like get distracted searching on social media, or if somebody comes into your office, you need to take a step back and realize, hey, you know what? This isn’t working right? I need to, I need to attack this at a different angle. And maybe that’s you need to go to a different location. Maybe that’s you need to change up the time slot, right? I know, for me as a husband and a business owner, and also somebody that you know has kids, right, whether when my kids are in school, the schedule is different when summer hit, which is now the schedule is different. So if there’s something that I do every single Wait, every single week on a specific day and time that worked during like a historical time frame, via the kids in school versus via the kids in summer, you have to restructure your plan. Okay? And. And it’s okay to restructure your plan, but you need to look at your time and say, Okay, wow, this was working during these days and times, and now it’s not. So you basically need to re engineer your time. Okay? So it’s nice to take a step back and then reallocate and recalibrate based on how you’re going to conduct that activity. Okay, so there is proven stories and case studies in there that the folks that have the ability to have 100% attention to the objective of what they’re trying to do with zero noise, the ability to block out that noise has seen a 90% effective rate when it comes to increasing productivity and and knocking out tasks. Right? If there’s these tasks that are constantly on your task list and you’re like, Oh, you just keep pushing them out, pushing them out, push them out. I don’t have time. I don’t have time. I don’t have time. I don’t have time. I don’t have time. And then you they finally hit your calendar, and then you still don’t do them. That’s because you’re distracted. You have taken it to the point to where you have basically said, Okay, I have a task. It’s on my task list. Cool. I moved it from my task list to my calendar. You have now committed to day and time with task list, getting something done. That’s great calendar day and time specific. Now it’s more serious, then when you show up to that day and time objective and you’re distracted. This is a problem, right? This is something that you’re then going to push back out. What are you going to roll it back to your task list and then kick it down the road a little bit more, right? Also, if you wear multiple hats as a business owner, maybe you’re focusing on marketing, you’re focusing on training for the employees. You’re focusing on consulting, you’re focusing on purchasing inventory. You know, getting better at your skill set, your technique, right? You wear multiple hats. How can you run a business effectively when you’re trying to do everything at once? The only way to run it effectively is a time block, and then have attention, complete attention to that task. So you don’t want to commingle your tasks, right? We’ve heard the word like, you know, oh yeah, I can multitask. I can multitask, right? And that’s good, like, I feel like there’s, there’s some ability that that can help you with productivity in that space. But if you’re just a constant multi tasker, and you’re not focusing with attention and having the attention to get something done that is specifically do, like you’re just, you’re just running, running around, maybe you’re a multi tasker, but you’re really not, like getting the most out of what you’re trying to get accomplished, and then you’re confused, you’re completely confused, and then overwhelm kicks in, okay? And overwhelming kicks in when you are unorganized and it’s just complete chaos.
Thank you for listening to medical millionaire. I wanted to take just a few short moments and tell you all about growth 99 University. Naturally, if you’re listening to medical millionaire, the success of your Med Spa is extremely important to you, and as it should be. And if you’re listening to medical millionaire, you are obviously looking for the best, most effective ways to take your Med Spa to the next level in both profit and customer success. Enter growth 99 University ranging from online education courses all the way to the full suite of marketing and web services. Growth 99 has your Med Spa covered. No matter the challenges that you’re facing, we are ready and able to help you achieve your next level in business, profit and freedom to inquire about all of our support services and products. Please visit growth 90 and while you’re there, click the university link and check out the companion course to this very podcast. Back to the show.
So the other term that I want to bring into this is we’ve talked about attention, but what about the intention? Being intentional? So being intentional with attention? So if you have complete good intention of what you’re trying to do, right, if it is doing a specific skill set, like, let’s say, a client comes in and you have like, they have your attention, and your intention is to give them the best service treatment possible. This is where you thrive, because you’re focused, you’re zeroed in, you’re 100% dialed into your skill set,
right? So again, starting with a
having the correct attention to your task list, and then being extremely intentional and going above and beyond of what your expectations are, right? So if every single thing that you do, you know, like, like, Let’s take an example. If you’re going to do a social media post or or something like that, or testimonial or a video, you’re going to write content policies and procedures, you’re going to learn a new craft, you’re going to go on a networking event, you know, you’re going to whatever it is, if you just kind of half ass it, you know, and you kind of give it a. Little bit of attention, and you kind of piecemeal it together, and it’s not really intentional. You don’t really know what you want out of it. You haven’t really sat down and thought about it. You’re just, you’re just, you know, kind of just got knocking things out with with zero purpose, right? So everything you do should have a purpose behind it. Of the big objective, right? And so if the big objective and the big goal is to, hey, scale my practice, right, have a more meaningful life. Work on my financial aspect of my life, my spiritual aspect of the life, my family life, my health, right? If that’s the goal, if you have these big goals, right, of where you want to get to. And if that’s let’s just take like, a revenue aspect, if you want to get to $5 million in annual revenue, that may sound scary, right? It’s like, wow, that’s scary. That’s a that’s a pretty big goal. You have to zero. You have to roll it back. You have to roll it back in in incremental steps, okay, so that could be the that could be the goal, that could be the objective, right? Well, how do you get there, right? Time blocking, working on specific things. You have to know your KPIs. You have to know your numbers, right. But in order to do that, you have to have slots on the calendar that are going to take your attention. And then you have to put activities into those with complete intention that hits the purpose. And once you start to do these things over and over and over and over again, and you give yourself the actual attention with intention, you are gonna be leaps and bounds past your competition. And if you’re the type of person that’s waking up early and really looking at your day and looking at what the objective is. And you know the objective in this use case is, let’s say, $5 million in annual revenue. You know what it is. You know what it is. You want it, and it’s scary, and it should scare you, but if you roll it back, and you break it down on a day to day basis and an hour to hour basis, and you’re focusing with attention, with intention, you will hit that goal. And if you’re getting up early, like four or five hours before the other people wake up that are in the industry, or whether it’s just for yourself, maybe it’s not just about competition. Maybe you’re in competition with yourself, right? A lot of entrepreneurs are in competition with themselves. They want to see what they’re capable of. They want to know like, what their true capabilities are. And I know, like, that’s, that’s me, right? So, so when people ask me, Well, who’s your competition? Obviously, there’s some competition out there for growth 99 right? But like, I’m in competition with myself. I want to know who I am. I want to know what I’m capable of. And I, honestly, I don’t know what I am capable of at this point. You know, we’ve achieved a lot. There’s like, everybody that’s listening to this is trying to find the next best version of themselves, right? Or else you wouldn’t be tuning into stuff like this, right? This is the type of content that you should be plugging into consistently if you’re looking to achieve if you want to find that next best version, right? And it’s and you’re never going to find it, because once you’re there, you’re going to go to the next step, you’re going to go to the next step, you’re going to go to the next step. You want to keep step. You want to keep seeking. You’ll hit that goal and just check it off the list. You’re like, okay, cool. What’s next? I’m still hungry, right? This is an entrepreneur, right? This is, this is in practice, owners. You are entrepreneurs. You run a business. I want you to really start thinking about that. You’re solving problems, you’re generating revenue, you have expenses, you have liabilities, you have assets, you have cash flow, right? You have inventory like this is, this is a business. And you really need, I really want to come across a lot of the episodes we get into in talking about how to run your practice like a business, right? But it comes down to having the attention with intention. And a lot of times I hear when we’re talking to clients is, you know, I don’t have the time or, you know, I think they it’s almost like confusion, right? And the folks that are just zeroed in, they know exactly what the objective is. They focused on it. They’ve zeroed it in. They’ve wrote it down. They look at it every day. They go through their goals. They go through like the meditation, their visualizations. They’re healthy, they work out. They stay fit. You know, their mind is fit, right? Their bodies fit. When they focus on these things, good things start to happen, right? And they find the separation factor, right? So, if you are getting up and you’re you’re focusing on these things, that’s three to five, three to five hours before anybody else is waking up, you know, I think the average person wakes up in America, you know, I think it’s like 9am right? And if you’re getting up a couple hours, you know, three, four hours before that compound that over a year, right? So let’s take three hours times it by 365 right? You got 1000 hours, give or take, 1000 hours ahead. So when you compound it over time, and you just consistently show up, and you have the discipline, and you have the attention with intention and purpose and understanding what that long term vision and dream is, you’ll find yourself getting there, and you will be so. Are ahead of everybody else and and closer, so much closer to that next best version of yourself that you’re constantly seeking. You’re going to get there faster, right? We all have the same amount of time, same amount of time every day. It’s what you do with it. It’s those impact hours. It’s those impact hours that make the big change, right? And it’s hard. Like, I know we get into he’s like, comparison, right? Like, social media is like, the worst for that. You can go pull social comparison and Instagram or Facebook or whatever you’re scoring, like, Oh, wow. Like, you know, it’s easy to get lonely, you know, because you’re like, Oh man, I’m not there yet. I’m trying so hard, I’m doing everything I can, but I’m not there yet. Well, they’re there, like, I’m never going to be there. Or you finally hit a goal or a milestone, and you’re super happy. Then you go, pull up your feed, and it’s like you like, get small again. You know? You got to focus on your dream. You got to focus on where you are within your journey and where where you are within your past. And you need to focus on you, right? Nobody else is you. You’re You’re unique. You are you, right? And so I want to leave it with that again, attention with intention and purpose and understanding the objective. All right, everybody, I’m gonna let you go. I hope you really enjoyed this episode. Thank you so much for tuning in to our podcast. Again. My name is Cameron Hemphill. If you found this content valuable, let’s share it. Keep the comment. Valuable, let’s share it. Keep the conversation going until next time. Happy injecting you.
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