
#66: Your Inbox Is A Distraction


Cameron Hemphill, host of the “Medical Millionaire” podcast, discusses the importance of managing distractions, particularly email and other notifications, to improve productivity and profitability in medical spas. He emphasizes the need for time blocking and focusing on “impact hours” to work on the business rather than in it. Hemphill suggests setting aside specific times for strategic activities, such as marketing, policy reviews, and employee performance, to avoid constant chaos. He advocates for consistent effort over time, as detailed in Darren Hardy’s “Compound Effect,” to achieve long-term success.


This is medical millionaire the podcast, helping your Med Spa increase in status, visibility and profitability. Join your host as he dispels myths, shares trends and gives you actionable steps today that will take your medical practice to the next level. Here’s your host, expert marketer and founder of growth 99 Cameron Hemphill,
Hey, what’s up, everybody? Cameron Hemphill, here your host for medical millionaire. Hey, first off, thank you so much for taking the time to tune into our podcast. Our goal is to give incredible value and insight into the medical spa market. So if you’re an injector, you’re a nurse practitioner, thinking about getting into medical esthetics, you are in the dermatology space, the plastic space, the dental cosmetic space, wherever you’re at, right? If, if you are in this arena, this podcast, it’s 100% designed for you every single one of the episodes. So my team and I, we consult some of the top, well known injectors and medical spa owners throughout the country. We’ve been doing so for years. So we see practices that are absolutely thriving. They’ve been in business for a long time. They have a business that they’ve built that’s very sustainable. It’s you can almost forecast the revenues and predict things that will happen. And then we have, we also see practices that are very much struggling, and they’re focusing very hard on patient acquisition, for example, and they’re struggling to get patients, they’re struggling to get rebookings, and they’re also just trying to figure out, like, where are my numbers? How are things operating? Who should I hire? Who should I fire? How should I run my entire tech stack? What’s my process? What’s my policies? Like, everything that’s in order. Where should I open up my practice, even the folks that are looking to get in this space, as this industry is growing, and so it’s it’s pretty cool, like we were fortunate enough within the company that I have at growth 99 to have the opportunity to have these conversations, right? So as we’re on the phone all day, we see all aspects of life, right? And so we hear things, and then we basically just want to incubate that content, curate it internally, and then push it out here. So I really hope that you guys get something out of every single episode that we produce, and this is our journey together. We want to help you take your practice to the next level. And so in this particular episode, I want to get into something that actually came up earlier in the week, and it’s really talking about how your inbox is a distraction, okay? And the inbox. What do I mean by inbox? Right? I mean email inbox. I could mean direct message inbox. Whether those direct messages are flowing through Instagram or Tiktok or Facebook or your email Shoot, let’s even bring text messages into play. Let’s bring phone calls into play like it’s all a distraction. Okay, obviously there’s things in there that have to get done, and some of us use our inboxes like a to do list, right? Which is, which is very, you know, it’s a useful tool. That’s why these tools exist, so that we can communicate and from wherever we’re at, from all aspects of business life and whatever. But they’re also a very, very big distraction, especially if you are addicted to them. And I’m very much guilty of being addicted to email. I check it all the time, but one of the things that has really helped me out and other practice owners out is having the ability to actually turn that off. Okay? So if you are using time management effectively, and your calendar is is super busy, there’s no white space on it. What I mean by white spaces? There’s there’s not openings, right? Like you’re booked out. Well, you should take the time to do some weekly and daily planning. And during those planning sessions, you should block out time, okay? And when you’re blocking out that time, and maybe that specific spot, for example, is on Thursday at 11am Mountain, you’re doing this activity for one hour from 11am to noon, you are doing this activity, okay? And if you’re focusing on that activity, and that activity happens to be something that is where you’re working on your practice, like you’re working on your business, you’re not physically in the business, and maybe your body is there, but you’re not conducting business related day to day activities. You’re not injecting you’re not talking to employees. You’re not talking to customers. Like this is something that you are sitting down and focusing on for that hour, and typically it’s the things that we don’t want to do, right? Because there’s other things that you have to work on, right? It’s all busy work. So if you tune into the episodes prior, I’m very much a big fan of taking the time to focus. Focus on working on the business versus in the business. We’re constantly in the business, there’s constant things going on, especially if you’re running a very robust, profitable, well booked out practice, it’s just, it’s constant chaos, right? And so you can get yourself in a position where you’re constantly just doing the same thing over and over, right? People comes in, they did the appointment. You do the treatment on your way. They do the appointment, they do the treatment on your way. But you really have to take the time to sit back, reflect and say, okay, like, where are my inefficiencies? Where can I delegate things? When can I work on like, a marketing activity? When can I work on your website, for example, when can you work on your your policies, your terms and conditions, maybe your tech stack, maybe like the correct people to hire the correct people like to have performance reviews, everything that goes on outside of the day to day crazy operation. Okay, and so why I’m coming back to why the inbox is a distraction is because, if you take the time to block that window out and work on that activity, if you find yourself all of a sudden, co mingling activities within that productivity hour, right? And some could call that productivity hour is impact hours, right? Really working on your impact hour, but then your inbox is pulled up, or your phone rings, or somebody walks in your office or your house, or wherever you’re working from for that hour, or you happen to just like, open up Instagram notification fires off on your phone, Bing, someone gave you a like, gave you a like, gave you love someone’s in your direct messages. Like, how many freaking notifications go off on your phone, right? And then on the and then on your computer? Okay? So literally, your inbox, and that’s what I’m going to call it, is a complete distraction from making very impactful hours that are going to contribute to the business for longevity.
Thank you for listening to medical millionaire. I wanted to take just a few short moments and tell you all about growth 99 University naturally, if you’re listening to medical millionaire, the success of your Med Spa is extremely important to you, and as it should be, and if you’re listening to medical millionaire, you are obviously looking for the best, most effective ways to take your Med spot to the next level in both profit and customer success, enter growth 99 University ranging from online education courses all the way to the full suite of marketing and web services. Growth 99 has your Med Spa covered. No matter the challenges that you’re facing, we are ready and able to help you achieve your next level in business profit and freedom to inquire about all of our support services and products, please visit growth 90 and while you’re there, click the university link and check out the companion course to this very podcast. Back to the show.
So when I’m talking to practice owners and ones that have been in business for years, and they can pretty much forecast and predict revenues and growth patterns, because for one they have, like the brand, the name, the recognition, whatever that comes with time, right? But what they also have is a very disciplined, accountable way of working on the practice versus in the practice, and they make those time slots very effective. And they’re focused, okay, extremely focused. And so when you are, guys are working on that impact hour, please do yourself a favor. I’m telling you. This is like Game Changer stuff. It will completely transform the impact over time, and then also put you in a position to have a very profitable practice, okay? And so when you’re when you’re planning out your week, whether it’s Sunday night or in the mornings, or whatever you’re doing, I like to do it Sunday night because it’s a good time that I can just think, hey, what do I have coming up for the week? And when can I block time for myself that no one else can steal? Right? Because if your calendar is just open, people will just steal your time, right? And time is, again, the most valuable asset on planet Earth. There’s no argument there, right? Once the time goes by, the time is gone, okay? So you block out that time, you have 100% focus, okay? And so take the time to do that, because a lot of times, like, okay, cool. I know I have an open slot here, here, here and here. And if you don’t block that time out with something productive, then the time is just, it just goes by, right? You I mean, go, look at your you guys ever get those reports of, like, how much phone time you had on? I think they sent them on Sundays. At least my phone does how many times you looked at your phone. Or, you know, what’s the productivity? What apps were you looking at? Like, and if you compound that over time, times that by a year and see how much time you’ve lost. First it’s crazy. Okay, so take the time to really, every single week go block that out. And I don’t want to get into like, time management, but what I’m really trying to say is, is, when you are working on that activity, okay, so you’ve taken the time to actually time block right, and then all of a sudden, that hour comes up, right? And then maybe it is 11 o’clock. Well, then it becomes 11, oh 102, you know, four or five. You’re like, Okay, I’ll get to it. I’ll get to it, but I still got to do one more thing. I got to do one more thing. I got to reply one more email or one more text or one more DM right before I can get to that thing. Because, oh, that’s something that I’ve really just kind of put on the back burner. I know it’s something I have to get done, but I just I don’t want to, because there’s other things that I got to do. And I’m super busy, and maybe I’ll just do that later. I’m telling you right now, Stop, just stop freaking. Turn off the notifications. Okay, turn off everything that you have to go into a dark place. Shoot, leave the leave, right, go, go somewhere. And turn your phone on silent, and don’t look at things and focus on that impact hour. And if you do it over the course of time, you will see yourself Thrive completely, because you’re now taking the time like, okay, maybe it’s only one hour or two hours a week that you’re working on your on your practice, right? You’re like, working on activities that are going to put you in a position. It within everything you know, maybe it’s a new treatment method, maybe it’s going through a training course. Maybe it’s some shadowing somebody. Maybe it’s getting your your again, your tech stack in a row, your marketing in a row, like, like, understanding, uh, employee, employee performance, understanding commissions. Like, how is all of this stuff working, instead of just kind of running around, like chaotic, which that has its time and its place as well. But if you really take the time to do this, I’m telling you right now, this is what the most successful practice owners do. Okay? They are extremely busy. They’re very powerful. I totally, totally get it right. Sometimes they make it look super easy, but they’re extremely disciplined with time blocking and impact hours and then staying focused and not letting distractions come in when they’re focused on that specific activity. And then what happens is they’re able to consistently move the target. Okay, consistently move the target. Because, again, it could be one hour a week or two hours a week. But if you, if you compound that, okay? Because it’s about the compound effect. If you guys have ever read Darren Hardy’s book, the compound effect, it’s about doing something over time with repetition is what builds up the actual longevity of impact. Okay, so let’s say you’re doing it two hours a week. You work on your practice versus in the practice, okay? And you times that how many weeks are in a year, 52 or weeks in a year. You times that by two, you got 104 impact hours that you just did. Imagine the other practice that didn’t take the time to do that. How much further along are you going to be there than them? Okay, this is why I always talk about waking up early too. Because if you wake up early, you beat the sun up, you’re now putting yourself in a position to compound that time and put yourself in a position to win over time consistently. Okay, so another analogy, right? You wake up. Let’s just call it two hours before everybody else says two hours over the course of a year, 365 days in a year, times that by two, imagine how much more you can get done, right? So, and I’m not saying sleep less or anything like that, maybe got to get better early, but I know that there is a lot of people that tune into the podcast where you know that you could, you could get up earlier, and you know that you could take the time to work on your practice, and we’re all guilty of it, right? Like, trust me, I look at my inbox a lot. We have lots of emails that come in. I mean, there’s, it’s just, there’s just noise, right? And so what I’m just trying to get out there is, there’s a lot of unnecessary noise, and in this day and age of technology, it’s just constant, like, we’re just flooded with content. We’re flooded with information. And I think a lot of times that we forget to just, like, check out and say, hey, you know what? No, I need to, I need to go over here, and I need to unplug, and I need to focus, okay, and just, and just maintain that high level understanding of focus, okay. So I hope you guys got a lot out of this again, just kind of, kind of consolidate everything. Make sure to do your time blocking. Make sure to have that impact hour. I like to do two to work on the practice, versus in the practice, and shut off the noise and then track it over time. I’d love to hear a success story of somebody that isn’t doing it and takes the advice from this episode, and then we talk about it in a year or six months, or something like that. I would love to hear that story and what it’s done to your practice, okay, and a lot of the times, like, where I come up with this content is stuff that that helps, like comes from from my life, or things that I have learned from other entrepreneurs, and then, and then, you know, instead of just hearing the comments. Content like putting it into action, you know, like it’s one thing to buy a book, it’s another thing to read it, it’s another thing to take that knowledge and utilize it. All right, guys, I’ll leave it at that. Thank you so much for turning into medical millionaire. If you found this content valuable, share it. Let’s keep the conversation going. I’d love anybody to listen to it that you think can get value out of it. Head into iTunes. We love to get reviews and feedback because it helps with sharing the content with others as well. And if you guys need any help with any of your technology marketing consulting, always go to growth. 90 of course, you guys can find us there. We’re always here to help you until next time. Happy injecting you.


#66: Your Inbox Is A Distraction


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