
#97: The Success Formula


Cameron Hemphill, host of the “Medical Millionaire” podcast, discusses the formula for achieving success in a medical practice. He emphasizes the importance of talent, effort, skill, and discipline. Talent is the foundation, but it must be combined with effort to develop skills. Skill involves running the practice effectively, including marketing, technology, and financial management. Discipline is the key to consistent success, requiring daily effort and repetition. Hemphill uses examples from sports and personal life to illustrate how discipline leads to long-term achievement. He also promotes Growth99 University for further education and support for Med Spa owners.


This is medical millionaire the podcast, helping your Med Spa increase in status, visibility and profitability. Join your host as he dispels myths, shares trends and gives you actionable steps today that will take your medical practice to the next level. Here’s your host, expert marketer and founder of growth 99 Cameron Hemphill,
Hey, what’s up, everybody? Cameron Hemphill, here your host for medical millionaire. Hey, first off, thank you so much for taking the time to tune into the podcast. Our goal is to give incredible value and insight for practice owners. So if you’re a medical practice owner, this podcast is 100% designed for you. My team and I, we have consulted practice owners all over the country for years. We see ones thriving it, killing it, having fun. We see one still trying to figuring out, failing, not sure why, right. Right. So throughout this journey together, we want to help you take your practice to the next level, no matter where you’re at. If you’re thinking about getting into becoming a practice owner, you want to open up a medical practice, an esthetics practice, cosmetics practice, you want to take your practice to new heights. Maybe you want to go to multiple locations. Maybe you want to increase revenues. Maybe you want to figure out how to hire people, how to fire people, how to build an incredible, sustainable financial future for your practice. All of the episodes that we dive into that we’ve created over the years dive into all aspects of scenarios that you can get value from in everything that we push out for you. So what I want to talk about today is achievement and what achievement means to you. What does it truly mean to achieve? Right? Because if you go back throughout your life, there has been a lot of times where you have felt achievement right? Maybe that was when you graduated high school. Maybe it was when you made the varsity, you know, cheerleading team, football team, you know, whatever was, swim team, golf team, whatever it was, right? There was a level of achievement. What did that mean to you? How? What did it feel like? Did you feel that fire in your belly? Did you feel that burn right? And I think a lot of times throughout life, we need to go back and remember what it feels like to achieve, because being an entrepreneur is extremely challenging. Being a practice owner as an entrepreneur is even more challenging, right? There’s so many things that you have to do throughout the day in order to build a successful practice, right? So a lot of times you can get lost, right? If you just hurry, if you’re having a bad day, and you keep just like the week’s going bad, the month’s going bad, the year is going bad, whatever it is there’s nonsense in the news, like there’s just bad energy. You have to take yourself back and say, You know what? Visualize when I felt achievement, and understand what that feels so put that energy back into you, and put that energy back into your practice, right? So let’s talk about the formula for achievement. And again, like a lot of people have, you know that I follow very successful entrepreneurs, very successful practice owners. They have visualizations that they go through and remember times when they had achievement. And what that does is it starts to rebuild your confidence. Okay? So if you, if you feel like your confidence is is not as good as it was, right? This happens, being a practice owner, being an entrepreneur like you could have had more confidence last week versus this week. Maybe you were fully booked last week. Everything was just running great. And you’re like, oh my gosh, I’m on top of it. I figured it out. Finally, everything’s going good. All the kinks are out. Monday morning hits. You’re like, what happened? You know, like, why is this week so different than last so your confidence has ebbs and slip and flows, right? It can go up and go down, but if you constantly put your your mind back in that achievement spirit, like, Hey, here’s how I felt when I had that level of achievement, it’s going to help you maintain that level of confidence that you need, right? So let’s talk about the formula, so the achievement formula for achieving, right? Let’s talk about talent for a second. We all know that medical practice owners are extremely talented in their craft, tremendous amount of education, tremendous amount of studying, tremendous amount of courses, continuous education, learning new techniques, networking like there. There takes a tremendous amount of talent in order to do what you guys are able to do, right? So this is one actually. This is another level where you need to fall back on and say, you know. Up. I’m confident in my craft, because you are talented, if you have conducted treatments, right, and you have seen the results, and you have seen the people just like so happy that they produce tears because of the results. That is from your talent, that is from the skills that you guys have invested your time and effort into right now, if you’re, if you’re becoming a new practice owner, right? And maybe you, you haven’t built up that talent yet. You’re just coming out of the schooling, the training, the courses, whatever you have to learn how to fail, right? You have to take that first step, and you have to just jump in in order to get yourself to become, you know, just more and more talented and more and more skilled, right? So talking about talent again, you guys are extremely talented. Okay, however, talent can also backfire, right? It can also be the downfall of you. If you think that you’re the most talented person in the room, and now you don’t need to have any effort, this is what’s going to hold you back. You’re going to be blinded by just thinking that you’re the smartest, most talented person in the room, and so now you don’t need to apply any effort, and that’s when you start experiencing contraction, right? And the last thing, a business, a practice, right? A business, again, I talk about it a lot. Your medical practice is a business, and I talk about running your practice like a business. The last thing a business wants is contraction. You constantly want expansion. And I’m not saying you always have to expand every single day, every single week, but over the course of time your practice should be growing, right? If it’s contracting and continuously squeezing, something’s happening, right? So if you take your talent and you times that by effort, that equals skill. Okay, let’s say that again, talent times effort equals skill, right? That’s the skill set that you have in order to carry out your craft, to grow your practice, right? So now you have skill but let’s take it to the next level. Let’s take skill times effort. Skill times effort equals achievement, and that is the formula for achieving. So if you’re driving in your car right now, or you’re at the gym or whatever you guys are doing, and you’re taking this all in, I want you to push pause. Take this in, talent times effort equals skill. Skill times effort equals achievement. That is the formula for achieving, right? So let’s break it down for you skill set. What is the skill set you have? It goes beyond your talent, right? Your talent is your craft, but your skill is what puts you in the position to run a successful practice all different levels of skill, where there has to do with marketing, understanding processes, understanding, technology, financial statements, profit and loss statements, balance sheet, how to hire someone, build culture, fire someone manage your website, your SEO, your EMR systems, connect with your accounting. Acquiring the right equipment. How to finance equipment, how to buy equipment at great prices, right? Like all of this requires skill, right? The talent is the craft. The skill is running the practice, right? But then when you pour the fire on, the fire is the effort, right? The effort put involved when you have talent skill, and then you pour the effort on. That’s when the magic happens, okay? And then when you have the effort, and you compound that by daily discipline, this is the exact recipe for success, the successful recipe and formula is all of those combines. So you have talent which is skill set, you have effort, right? You have you have skill which is running the practice. Effort is the fuel. And you can you if you only have a little bit of effort, you’re not going to get it very far. That’s the achievement for formula and the formula for achieving, right? That’s the formula for achievement and achieving. But once you put discipline on that, that’s what ties success all together. Now what is discipline?
Thank you for listening to medical millionaire. I wanted to take just a few short moments and tell you all about growth 99 University, naturally, if you’re listening to medical millionaire, the success of your Med Spa is extremely important to you, and as it should be. And if you’re listening to medical millionaire, you are obvious. Looking for the best, most effective ways to take your Med Spa to the next level in both profit and customer success, enter growth 99 University ranging from online education courses all the way to the full suite of marketing and web services. Growth. 99 has your Med Spa covered. No matter the challenges that you’re facing, we are ready and able to help you achieve your next level in business, profit and freedom to inquire about all of our support services and products. Please visit growth 90 and while you’re there, click the university link and check out the companion course to this very podcast. Back to the show
discipline is applying effort time and time and time and time and time again doing it when you do not want to do it. Right? There are so many times that very successful people do things. Very successful practice owners do things they don’t want to do. They know they have to do them, and they know if they continuously do them with repetition, they are going to see success. And this is the complete formula, guys, this is it. It’s very it’s very simple, like, it’s simple, but it’s very hard, right? A lot of people are like, the talent can say, Okay, well, I’m guess I’m talented, but that’s confidence, right? That’s the confidence. The effort right? The effort is, do I want to do it right? The skill is running the systems, do I know how to do them right? And then when you pour discipline on it, that’s where people can get burned out. Okay, so when you put all of those components together, I’m telling you right now, this is how very successful practice. Owners run their practice, and this is how they continuously win time and time again. It doesn’t matter if there’s economic contraction or if there’s economic expansion. They know what they have to do every day, and so when you break it down into those pillars, this is why you see very successful practice owners continuously enhancing their talent. They are going to networking events. They are signing up for advanced courses. They are hiring coaches. They are tuning into content like this. They are building their own courses. They’re reaching through to try to break their talent, like, how far can their talent go, right? How far can their talent go, and then take the skill on top of that, right? So the talent, you continuously expand your talent through education, right, through self learning, through connecting with people, right? And then you take the skill. When I look at the skill, the skill is the talent and running the practice. Well, the skill comes in with systems. That’s the systems right from when the booking happens, right? So you have marketing pulls in the booking, the potential booking, the lead, if you will, right? And maybe you have leads coming in from your Instagram, DMS. You have leads coming in from your website. You have leads coming in from your Google ads, your Facebook ads, your Instagram ads, your word of mouth referral, your Tiktok link tree, all of these places. Well, a skilled person will realize, Wow, how can I manage all of this communication? Maybe I need a system, and that’s where a CRM system comes into play. Funnel all of that communication into one centralized system. That way you have systematic follow up, systematic accountability, systematic conversion, systematic data points, systematic text messages, systematic email templates. And it’s trainable, right? If you have somebody that runs your CRM system after you already set it up and it’s already running, you can train someone if you lose that person, right? Because there’s now a procedure, there’s a process, right? And then once that lead converts into a patient, goes into the EMR system. The EMR system does its thing, and then what do you have from there? Referral, repeat, right? Rinse and repeat, upsell, rebook, membership, all of those things that you guys have on the table, right? But you have to have, that’s the skill of running a very successful practice. Okay, you know how that? You know you have the talent, because that’s why you’re going to get into the field, or you are in the field. But where I see it break is the skill people stop investing in the skill, right? And maybe they say, I’m not tech savvy, or I don’t understand this stuff, or I’m not really good on social media. Look, you have to continue to invest in your skill that’s running the practice, okay? And when you put the effort in, you can’t just put it in for one day. You cannot just say, Oh, I tried social media, I tried the skill. I tried to implement an EMR system, I tried to run SEO, I I tried to run Facebook ads. I tried all this stuff. You have to try, and you have to fail, and you have to get back up again, right? That’s the effort. So when you put discipline on it, that’s. Where no matter what happens, you’re gonna continuously wake up and keep doing the job and keep learning and keep cranking. And that’s the grind. Like that is the hustle, the discipline is the hustle, right? A lot of times people are like, Oh, that person’s a hustler. It almost kind of has, like a negative taste, if you will. But a hustler is someone that has just tremendous discipline. Discipline is very, very it’s, it’s hard, it’s, it’s, it’s probably the most critical component of success. And you could apply this to like, every aspect of your life, by the way, not just being a practice owner. But a lot of times I’ll reference things like, hey, let’s talk about fitness. You can’t go to the gym one day and expect results. You have to keep going, right? So let’s say you’re talented, you’re athletic. Okay, let’s apply this scenario to a like, like, just to like physical fitness, right? Talented? Okay, this person is athletic. They’re talented. Okay, the skill is they have to invest in their talent, right? They have to continuously learning the skill. They have to invest in the talent right. Now, let’s look at effort. You have to use your talent. You have to use all of the tricks that you learned when you when you have these skill sets, right? You have to apply that. Now let’s add discipline to it. That’s where you become a professional athlete, right? You have talent, right? You have the skill. You apply nature to the skill. You invest in the skill you have, you can’t have a little bit of effort. That’s a that’s a win, that’s a losing team, right? That’s a losing team, right? Like it, you have to have the accountability and the discipline, and when you do that time and time again, that’s what’s going to help you guys, wherever you’re at, like whatever aspect of life that you guys are at that’s what’s going to help you take yourself to the next level. Like, I want to talk about how you apply this to, you know, the medical arena, but at the same time, like, you can apply this type of content and this type of formula through all aspects of your life and all roles, right? So you could apply it to your marriage. You could apply it to if you’re not married, your spouse, or whatever it is, right? You could apply it to your children. You could apply it to your hobby, right? So for all these that don’t know for I’m an avid golfer, like I love golf. Played high school golf. I played golf at college, and I was I actually got my PGA card. So I had talent and I had skill. I invested in my skill all the time, right? All the time, and I had effort, but I’m telling you right now, I didn’t have the discipline in order to make it big on the PGA Tour. When you look at these professional golfers on the PGA Tour, they hit golf balls for two or three hours a day, every single day, every single day they hit them. Now, one day they may hit them great. The next day they may hit him, not great. The next day they may hit him, great, right? But no matter what, they hit him every single day, every single day, they hit the golf balls. Right? They put the golf balls ship. The golf balls, hit the irons, hit the drivers, all that stuff. They’re talented, like they’re everybody on the PGA Tour is talented. They’re, they’re all talented. They all invest in their skill, right? Which is their equipment, in this case, right? It’s their equipment, it’s, it’s their their glove, it’s their shoes, it’s shoot, it’s the hat, it’s, it’s the equipment, it’s the balls, the T’s all that stuff the coach, right? And they put in the effort. But the ones that win, the ones that win major championships, those are the ones that continuously put in the discipline. And that’s what creates a Hall of Fame professional golfer, if you will, right? That’s what made Michael Jordan. That’s what made Kobe Bryant, right. So if you guys have ever studied some of these professional athletes, it comes down to discipline. You know, I read Tim Grover’s book. He was Michael Jordan’s coach and Kobe Bryant’s coach, and he talked about how these guys would wake up at three in the morning and go go shoot hoops. They would go to the court and practice for four or five hours before the other guys would show up to to the practice. Like, that’s how dedicated they were, right? And that’s the discipline that they had, and that’s obviously why, you know, their names will always be remembered. Well, obviously extreme examples, but at the same time, I’m trying to get the point across that everybody’s talented, like, like, everybody’s talented in their own way. Invest in the skill, apply effort. Compound the effort with discipline. All right, guys, I’m gonna let you go. I appreciate your time. Thank you so much. If you found this content valuable, please share it. Keep this conversation going until next time. Happy. Injecting you.


#97: The Success Formula


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